Happy Holidays From the Trenches


Source: DaveCummings.com

By: Dave Cummings

Dave Cummings

Winter is ripe for sex, masturbation, and Adult Entertainment – including surfing porn sites. It gets dark so early that many folks feel like their day is done (and its time to relax and enjoy sex?). After all, it’s too dark to play softball or do athletics, or some of the outdoors things that one does during the seasons when it’s light out until 8-9 PM.

This is the time of year when it’s dark out when I head to the office/work mornings, and it’s getting dark again when I’m nearing the end of my workplace day. Heck, I start turning on my television or computer a lot earlier in winter than I do in summer. And, yes, I masturbate a lot more in winter. I’d bet that a lot of folks do, especially since they haven’t used up a lot of energy doing outdoors stuff like they do in the summertime.

I bet couples are more apt to have sex, too; even married couples with children might be helping the kids do their homework and hustling them off to bed earlier than they do during the non-winter months. It certainly seems to me that this is the time of year when northern hemisphere residents can more readily have sex, whether it by themselves or with a significant other. Indeed, sex is a natural and normal aspect of life, and it’s healthy to enjoy it!

I often hear newly married guys complaining that the blowjobs and constant sex they had with their significant other ebbs as the marriage ages. Yes, they get an “allotment” of sorts, but the frequency and wildness just isn’t what it seemingly was during the courting days. I identify with these men, especially during winters when other outdoors activities aren’t as available. Personally, during my 22 years of marriage, and even though we had sex 3-5 times a week, I often snuck in the bathroom and masturbated so that I could be more focused upon things other than my physical need to cum – to this day, I don’t think my ex-wife knows about my almost-daily masturbatory ritual! [Unless she reads your column on Adult Industry News, Dave! -Ed.]

Speaking of the wintertime availability of sexual entertainment, I understand that a new year-round medium is quickly developing for using cell phones to dial up porn clips off of the Internet; I can just imagine how busy the office restrooms are going to be with cell phone users ducking into a stall and whacking off during their break time!

I subscribe to the Playboy Channel at home, and I’m finding that wintertime also allows me more time to enjoy its many and varied programs. Thanks, Playboy Television! I’m also looking forward to filming for Playboy next week for the presentation of their “Best of Night Calls 411” with Crystal Knight and Nikki Nova; and, later that evening in their live filming of “Night Calls 411”. Along with also being able to watch “Night Calls” with Juli Ashton and Tiffany Grannath, as well as “Private Calls” featuring Aurora Snow, I’m one happy viewer. The producer (Jamie Battista) of these fine shows, who also produces the entertaining “Lex in the City” program, must be one hard-working genius! I’m also a fan of many other Playboy programs, all of which highlight gorgeous women who provide me with great wanking visuals!

The Internet is also a Godsend. It provides us with many venues for adult entertainment. I know that my web sites get more surfers during winter than summer, again because more people are indoors. There’s nothing like watching porn while sipping a beverage in the comfort of a warm home!

Those of you who recall my Feb, 2003 column (see the link to “Columns” at my DaveCummings.com) will recall that I predicted an economic recovery towards the end of 2003. The Dow Jones has since risen approximately 2,000 points. I still worry about relatively high crude oil prices and a weak dollar, but I do not in any way worry about porn – it thrives in any kind of economic climate, and in all seasons of the year.

Stay warm these cold winter nights, enjoy adult entertainment, have sex/masturbate, and enjoy life.

Lastly, frequently practice random act of kindness – it makes us feel warm and happy!

Warm regards,

Dave Cummings
