Announcement of News Conference: Pornography Fighter Andy Martin Slams FTC Report on Violence


Source: Andy Martin Campaign Committee

By: Company Press Release

(WASHINGTON, DC) — Florida’s foremost pornography fighter, Andy Martin, today sharply criticized the FTC’s report calling for more self-regulation by the entertainment industry. “The report is a ‘whole lotta nuttin,”’ Martin said.

Martin will hold a telephone news conference at 3:00 p.m. today, September 11 to further comment on what he calls “fraudulent government action” and “biased media reporting” and to propose the “Anti-Violence Consumer Empowerment Act of 2001.”

Martin has been an adjunct professor of law and is currently an Independent-Republican candidate for the United States Senate from Florida. He has successfully sued the State of Florida to stop subsidies to pornographic art. Martin is an experienced Capitol Hill advocate and former U.S. Senate staff assistant who has been active in drafting new legislation to confront monopolistic problems in the computer industry.

Martin states: “The FTC’s report is a classic example of ‘laboring mightily to bring forth a mouse.’ It is governmental fraud. Self-regulation is a complete failure. For years, the liberal news media have heaped coverage on ‘Mean Joe Lieberman’s’ and ‘Tough Tipper’s’ attacks on Hollywood. What have Tipper and Lieberman accomplished? They have been in power for eight years.

“The Democrats are the party of Hollywood, violence and crypto-pornography. Democrats are the enemies of children and the party of profound hypocrisy on violence issues.

“The Republican establishment is not much better. They have their noses pressed to the glass, seeking to glean more Holly-dollars from the depraved elite.

“Media bias cannot be denied. Today’s New York Times has front-page coverage on Gore’s and Lieberman’s response to the FTC report. Why were they given such prominent treatment without any fair and equal opportunity being given to the Republicans? Liberal media bias is a sickness which infects our society and our elections.

“Can we really say that government ‘investigated’ violence for another year and yet came forward with no legislative proposal? Today I am releasing a proposed statute.

“I speak for Democrats, Republican and Independents who are fed up with both parties. That is why I am running as an Independent-Republican to speak for all voters. My two principal senate opponents are political toadies who are afraid to offend their media contributors or their party overlords.

“At my news conference I will release the ‘Anti-Violence Consumer Empowerment Act of 2001.’ This proposed law would give consumers the qualified right to sue Hollywood for distributing obscene or violent materials. In my opinion, and in the opinion of most parents, violence is a form of obscenity. While violent ‘art’ is entitled to substantial constitutional protection, it is no more entitled to a free pass than obscenity is.

“Courts have long distinguished between ‘indecent’ materials, which are protected, and obscene materials, which are not. Why not allow parents to sue Hollywood in court and allow judges and juries to draw these distinctions as to violent materials? The purveyors of filth and violence would clean up their acts very quickly — without any need for government regulation.”

Copies of the proposed new law will be available at the news conference.

For media interviews or to participate in the news conference please call campaign headquarters at (888) 320-ANDY. Fax: (888)769-ANDY.