Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. This will be a rather short article just because I can, so please read on. It shouldn’t take long.
An Unexpected Errand
Tuesday morning, June 8, my executive-vise-president-in-charge-of-back-seat-driving, our son, his two kids, his girlfriend and her child, all loaded into one vehicle and hit the road about 11:40AM for a short visit to San Diego.
About 6:30PM that evening, I was enjoying what was suppose to be approximately fifty hours of peace and quiet when my other half called to give me a short list of things they forget. I was then asked if I could round up the items and bring them to San Diego. So after some grumbling, that is was I did.
Expose and Expose Boutique
Once I had delivered the forgotten items to the motel, I decided that so long as I was there in San Diego, I might just as well make a short visit to the Expose Gentlemen’s Club to say hello and to check out Dino’s new Expose Boutique.
Now for a quick history in the making lesson. The used car dealership that was next door to the Expose Club is no longer there, and Dino has taken over the space and created the brand new Expose Boutique.
The boutique is well stocked with adult toys, dancer’s boots and shoes, lingerie, etc.
The boutique is well managed by Illy.
Illy is an intelligent, well-spoken, lady with a great sense of humor and is an absolute pleasure to know.
At one point while speaking with Dino, the owner of the Expose Club and Expose Boutique, he said that he hopes to be able to start booking feature entertainers again in July. I for one hope that will come to pass!
Expose Boutique Grand Opening
Saturday evening, June 19, 2021, was the grand opening of the Expose Boutique located next door to Expose Gentlemen’s Club in San Diego.
Angela Sommers was present at the opening for a meet and greet starting at 7PM.
I had been seriously considering making the drive down to San Diego to say hello to Angela and to hang around for a while to see how things went. Unfortunately, I fell asleep in front of my television during the afternoon and didn’t wake up until 8:56 in the evening. Because of that, I felt that Angela would probably have already gone home by the time I could have arrived. Oh well, so much for the best laid plans of mice and Myles!
Okay folks, that will just about do it for now. We should all meet back here the next time to see whatever might be new. Until then, everybody please stay safe, have a great week, and live life as if there were no tomorrow!
Bonsoir et au revoir,
Myles Shaffer