Pornwars in Norway With Sasha Gabor


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Sasha Gabor

Sasha Gabor

(OSLO, NORWAY) — As you know, you have been the most (and basically one of the very few loyal and honest friends in this porn depraved cut throat dreck biz (I have matured and not enjoying my superstar status in this tiny and square, A-4 type of population religious country)… What I am getting at is that I always try to deliver the news to you first…

The main point here is to reach as many of my old distributors, VCA, Metro, Vivid, Hustler, Gabor at Heatwave, Jim Lane at Jim Powers (Great Guy) and get as many chromes and videos (that they used to heap upon me till I left in 2001) [as possible to me here in Norway.]

But I Do Need as Many Chromes and video tapes, one sheets, the whole deal, as soon as feasible so I can sustain living in this country where I wouldn’t get a job cleaning the toilets at their Refugee Camp. At my age and experience I seek love and the little I have left in this dimension, I wish to be with my “children” (5) and make my Mother proud of me and writing is my outlet for my emotions, so I am asking you bluntly: Will you publish this article, hoping it catches the eyes of some people (and their publicity departments) to help me with my 18 years worth of writing experience in my particular brand of erotic rather than sexual description of the interviews or the movies or the experiences I have had in porn?

I have a meeting with this guy on the 24th at 11 Am with my body guard as a precaution because he holds my personal pictures Hostage as a Form for Revenge, (slides/chromes Only but some 2-300 of them) that documents what I say re the films, and the different roles and characters I played in those 20 years. I am pretty sick over this situation because I need the slides back from this man for a potential biography by a major distributor in Norway! If I say I fucked Busty Bimbo nr 369, I want to be able to show the picture and if I have, the film too for credibility! Capisce?

Then there’s the story of Rocco, i.e. Coo Coo [and I, which] I back it up with Rocco Siffredi’s own cements on tape and otherwise. The guy [Rocco the Norwegian Coo Coo] is nothing special beside especially low in gray matter… If you decide the story of Rocco the Norwegian Coo Coo vs Sasha and his buddy, the One and Only Rocco Siffredi is an eye catcher, then pray tell me so so I can link it to my

Also please update that is no longer mine, it was “stolen” (acquired without my consent) and thus the Must be replaced with or and

The teenyboppers and teenagers aren’t putting any money in my pocket and no employer is willing to touch me or even have me in his bar or restaurant at times! It is sheer madness to be denied admission to a fancy place because of my “metiere”: Drilling! There are only certain places I go out and even shopping at certain stores have had ridiculous incidents!

One of my “bosses”, the Daily Leader of this company I am the unpaid Market Entry Representative of meets me in a secluded, dark corner of a bar or restaurant and insists on leaving alone, i.e. separately and not with me! Not because He thinks what I do or actually did is wrong or to be ashamed of, but because of his social standing would be undermined by being seen with me! Go figure…

It will take years before the sexual climate is more on the European permissive level. You can film sex here, but you have to purchase the explicit hardcore tapes – yes, the ones that are filmed here – from Denmark, Sweden or Germany etc. Allowed are only soft porn tapes but who the hell wants to buy Them?

Despite this ludicrous law, which is being challenged, video stores are selling hard porn and making millions. My first thought was that these porn shops would gladly employ me as an additional, on site employee and connoisseur of fine filth, but No! Their reasoning is that my presence would attract Even more attention from the vice cops so even “my family” is rejecting me from gainful employment.

I am curious if Ron Jeremy will be booked for the Rosekilde in Denmark, or the Quart in Kristiansand, Norway or the UKA in Trondheim, Norway. His day rate of a 1000 buck paid in advance plus airfare and hotel is worth it, but the people in charge are tightwads and I was paid airfare and 1000 Crowns, not dollars, No Hotel when I stepped in for him in October 2003 for 90 minutes starting at 1 Am, ending at 2:30 Am.

A thousand crowns is roughly 150 dollars! I lost my shirt on that deal but received a most interesting review on Oct 22, on the front of Dagbladet and a two page article titled: “Not many people manage to look shy while they are bragging, but Sasha Gabor is something else”. I have never been able to talk to the guy who wrote the article and I think it was “ghost”-written by the sociologist who wrote a huge article and spent a lot of time with Bill Margold, [and others].

VicoVision/ShowPhone is Still delayed till the end of February. I am having a meeting with the Daily Leader, the right hand of the CEO, in just a few hours, at 12 noon so I better get some shut eye.

With love and respect a successful but foremost healthy and happy new year to you and your staff.


The Legend in this Norwegian time warp, a black hole, trying to get out of here… to where I am less recognized and more of a “Mensch”, not an oddity!