Sofie Marie on Swinging


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Rich Moreland

Sofie Marie

I recently had the opportunity to find out what the swinger world is like for a porn girl when I interviewed Sofie Marie, a MILF beauty who swings, cams, and shoots scenes.

We started with how Sofie discovered swinging.

“When I met my now husband, he had to tell me what a swinger was because I had no idea! I was very sheltered,” Sofie says, but she was really interested in trying it out.

“I saw a hot music video with lots of sexy girls in lingerie running around at a party. I really wanted to go to a party like that, so we did… a swinger party, and I was hooked!”

Of course, swinging has its guidelines. Each person establishes their own boundaries.

For Sofie hers are about connections.

When “playing” with other swingers, be they a single or a couple, Sofie insists she must like the people she’s intimate with. “I have never been a random sex person, so the personal connection is key,” she says.

It’s important that her partners be on board with her way of thinking. “Sex for me is just fun!” she says. It’s emotional when her husband gets involved.

When she sets up the swinging sex, the hard-bodied California girl has her demands. She wants it raw and sends a message to her play partners. “I prefer bareback sex, so please be fourteen-day STD tested because condoms are the only other way we can play.”

Next, I ask about the dynamics of the swinger lifestyle.

“Girls are one hundred percent in charge in the lifestyle,” Sofie says. “The men who survive in swinging let the girls drive the program.” In other words, “bossy men are weeded out pretty quickly.” Sofie points out, however, that girls should “never take one for the team, as we say.” Swinging is most rewarding when the girls are “confident in themselves and enjoy the attention.”

To clarify how important that is, Sofie insists that, “when you wake up the next morning you should be smiling and basking in the experience of sex, not cringing and wishing it didn’t happen. Never have any regrets!”

By the way, “the best icebreaker” to get involved in the community, Sofie believes, is for a girl to be interested in other girls. It’s about entertainment.

Considering that, Sofie reminds us that swinging is not a porn set. There’s a live audience.

“It’s harder to be watched by onlookers than a porn crew that is focused on their job and generally detached from the sex they are shooting.”

On the other hand, Sofie comments that “swingers are like kids in a candy store and they are watching for sexual pleasure!”

That suits our MILF hottie just fine.

“I like having sex in front of people because it’s fun to see them looking at the scene. I wonder what they maybe thinking, and sometimes I will ask them to join in the fun!”

On the other hand, swinging can present interpersonal challenges that Sofie doesn’t find with porn.

“From swinging, I have had to deal with the awful feelings of jealousy. The dreaded green monster is usually the destruction of most relationships.”

That’s understandable, of course, since Sofie is married.

“From the very beginning of my relationship with my husband, we have discussed the root causes of jealousy – insecurity,” she explains. “By focusing on trust, respect, and honesty in my marriage, I have seen my fears dissipate and my sexual energy increase. I have come to see that any jealously I felt was due to my feelings of adequacy versus the actions of my spouse, so now I love watching him as much as he likes watching me.”

Lastly, I’m guessing that performing in porn is more difficult for a girl than swinging?

Not at all, Sofie says. “It’s much easier for me to get mentally ready to shoot a porn scene than it is to go out swinging. Porn is my career and I take it very seriously.”

The statuesque triathlete chuckles that swinging presents challenges. “In comparison, swinging is kind of awkward in a funny way since I don’t have a camera to pay attention to while I am getting laid!”

“Swinging can be the sexist thing I do, or it can be a dud.”

But no matter, Sofie Marie reassures us that it’s all good in the end.

“When swinging is a dud, I still get to go home to my husband, so it’s a winner, too!”