MWA: 01/06/17


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Myles Shaffer

Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: RubberDoll, Samantha Saint

Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. Let me start with wishing all of the readers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Now that I have that out of the way, this column will be about two very good feature performers. The fact that they are both beautiful and very sexy doesn’t hurt anything either! So please read on for the details.


Friday night, October 14, I drove out to the Oxnard Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen’s Club to spend a little time with RubberDoll and to observe both of her shows of the evening. (Before going to the club, I drove about five miles past it and checked into a motel in Ventura. Once I was settled in, I doubled back to the club.)

RubberDoll’s first show this evening was the same show that I observed at the City of Industry Spearmint Rhino exactly one week earlier.

She wore a headdress that consisted of a sparkling silver headband with tall red feathers sticking up into the air above it. With the headdress, RubberDoll wore a red and black corselet which had red feathers around the bottom edge forming a mini-skirt of sorts. The corselet also had four almost floor-length red feather boas hanging from the back at the bottom edge. Next RubberDoll wore a rubber one piece bathing suit-like item that had no breast cups and had a neck strap. The neck strap was black in the back and in the front, it was a reddish-brown color with small black spots giving a leopard skin appearance. Next RubberDoll wore a red fishnet piece that went from her feet up to just under her ample breasts. The fishnet piece had a red neck strap. Finally, RubberDoll wore a red G-string. Her footwear was a pair of clear shoes with spike heels and platform soles.

At one point in her show, RubberDoll performed with a pair of some type of red and blue pom-poms.

During another point in the show, RubberDoll put on a red and black bra with a black dildo attached to each breast cup the dildos shot out short bursts of a substance similar to silly string whenever RubberDoll squeezed them.

At another point a little later in her show, RubberDoll put on a large black strap-on dildo. Then she lit the end of a tube that stuck out of the business end of the dildo, and it shot out a flame a couple of inches long and also quite a few sparks. It was almost like a Fourth of July sparkler with the exception of the flame. Once the flame had subsided, the dildo fired off a shot like a tiny cannon.

This show was performed to, “You Promised Me,” “Du Hast,” by Ramstein, “Kitty Kitty,” and, “Fireball,” by Pit Bull. (Rubber Doll could not tell me who performed, “You Promised Me,” and, “Kitty Kitty,” and Youtube was no help this time around.)

For her final time on stage during this night, RubberDoll performed what she called her, “Robot Show.”

For this show, RubberDoll’s costume was so elaborate, I do not have the writing skills to properly describe it. It was basically made of red and black rubber and was completed with a full head helmet and black boots with stiletto heels and platform soles of moderate height. Every piece of the costume had groups of lights. Some of the lights were red and some were white. While some of the lights burned steadily some flashed on and off. RubberDoll came on to the stage carrying a pair of toy light sabers.

At one point in this show, RubberDoll performed with a pair of small red umbrellas. Each of the umbrellas had an X of white lights on its top.

At another point in the show, RubberDoll strapped on a large metal dildo. She then proceeded to create large showers of sparks by applying a portable electric grinder to the dildo.

She then brought a house dancer onto the stage to play with. During this part of her show, RubberDoll flogged the house dancer with a pair of whips that defied description.

RubberDoll ended both of her shows with games of cooterball for prizes.

During this show, RubberDoll performed to, “Baby’s on Fire,” by Die Antwoord, and, “Rage,” by Hyper Crush. RubberDoll couldn’t remember the title or the performing artist of her third song, and I was not familiar with it myself. Her fourth and final song was, “Booty,” by Jennifer Lopez.

I can’t believe that I could have somehow forgotten to ask RubberDoll about her physical statistics once again, but I must have. I do not have the information written down in my note pad. So, here is what I have found on the Internet combined with what I have seen in person. RubberDoll’s hair was again red with black highlights. (Once again, her hair colors looked good on her.) Between what I have seen on the Internet and my own close examination of a good photograph of RubberDoll, I believe her eyes are blue. She is five feet six inches tall, weighs one hundred twenty-two pounds, and her lovely measurements are 34DD-23-33.

RubberDoll is very well-spoke, smart, and extremely friendly. Additionally, she enjoys meeting and speaking with her fans.

It has always been my experience that whenever RubberDoll performs, her shows are always quite unique. She puts great effort into performing to the very best of her ability, and her abilities are excellent. Because of all of that being combined with her good-looks and her personality is why I highly recommend that nobody should ever allow an opportunity to go out to a nearby club to see RubberDoll perform and to meet her in person slip past them.

RubberDoll can be seen at

Samantha Saint

Saturday, October 15, I checked out of my motel in Ventura and made a leisurely drive up to Bakersfield.

Once in Bakersfield, I went to eat at the Golden Corral Buffet, checked into a motel, and later went to the Déjà Vu Showgirls to say hello to Samantha Saint and to observe both of her shows of the evening. (I also spent some time with my good friend house dancer Zarah.)

For her first show of the evening, Samantha wore a long-sleeved pink fishnet mini-dress. Under her mini-dress, she wore a black corset, a black bra, and a black G-string. On her legs, she wore a pair of slightly above knee-length black stockings. Her footwear was a pair of knee-length black high-heeled boots with platform soles of a low height.

Once Samantha was fully nude, she did a body lotion bit after which, she allowed the tip rail costumers to stick dollar bills to her buns.

Once she was finished with everything else, Samantha tossed out 8X10s of herself to, “the loudest customers.”

During her first show Samantha danced to, “Bend Ova,” by Lil Jon, “Pony,” by Ginuwine, and, “Whoa,” by Black Rob.

At the start of her final show, Samantha wore a very skimpy black one piece body suit. Beneath the body suit, she wore a black G-string. Her legs were adorned with a pair of slightly above knee-length white stockings with a marijuana leaf design on them. Her footwear appeared to be the same boots that she had worn during her first show, and that was okay with me. The boots worked very well with both costumes.

Near the end of this show Samantha played around with a bucket of ice cubes. Then her assistant poured hot candle wax on Samantha’s body.

Samantha ended the show by tossing out some 8X10s of herself, a tee-shirt, and a DVD to some of the luckier customers.

For her final show, Samantha performed to “Bossy,” by Kelis, “Make a Living,” by Philthy Rich, and, “Slob On My Knob,” by Tear Da Club Up Thugs.

A beautiful southern belle originally from Memphis, Tennessee, Samantha has long blonde hair, and her eyes are green. She stands five feet eight inches tall and weighs in at one hundred thirty-five pounds. Her lovely body measures a very sexy 34DD-26-36.

I have known Samantha for quite some time, and she has always impressed me as being an intelligent young woman who is well-spoken and very friendly. She also has a good sense of humor. Samantha additionally enjoys meeting and chatting with her fans.

Samantha performs so well as a lot of the other feature performers I’ve seen over the years and noticeably better than some. So, it is my recommendation that nobody should ever pass up on an opportunity to get out to a nearby club to see her perform and to meet her in person.

Samantha can be seen at and many other websites across the Internet.

That will just about do it for now good people. I believe we should all meet back here the next time to continue the discussion of beautiful and talented young women. Until then, everybody stay safe, have a great week, and live life as if there were no tomorrow!

Bonne Année,

Myles Shaffer