CSC Preserves AIDS Poster


Source: Carol Queen PR

By: Company Press Release

CSC Preserves AIDS Poster(SAN FRANCISCO, CA) — Sex education center, library and archive the Center for Sex & Culture has launched its first-ever Kickstarter campaign. CSC seeks to publish an exhibition catalog of some of the most notable posters from the Buzz Bense collection. Buzz was one of the founders of safer sex club Eros, and worked with CSC founders Drs. Robert Morgan Lawrence and Carol Queen on the Coalition for Healthy Sex. He amassed one of the most significant safer sex and HIV/AIDS poster collections, and donated these materials to CSC last year. Especially as a group, they are stunning — graphically, but also historically. Thirty years out from the beginning of the epidemic that changed –and ended– so many lives, CSC wants to add this collection to the available literature, show off some of these amazing posters, supplement the information about the epidemic, and launch CSC’s role in getting some of its more extraordinary materials out into the world.

The campaign link, which includes more detailed information and poster images: catalog the campaign ends on November 5 at 6:06pm EST.

The Buzz Bense Collection of HIV/AIDS and Safe(r) Sex Posters will be published as an exhibition catalog to accompany the CSC showing of the posters from November though 31 January 2014. CSC’s exhibition displaying nearly 100 of these safer sex posters opens on November 7 at 7 PM.

Many of us remember vividly the period in the 1980s and 90s when campaigns promoting safer sex practices developed, looking back on the visual materials from these campaigns has been both a moving experience of memory and an exciting new perspective of the work many of us did in that time. As these posters and other materials begin to pass in to something more like history than recent memory, we get to see them again. Thankfully, we can now see a little more of their artistry rather than only seeing the urgency that created their message.

These materials are of both cultural and artistic significance. They were often created by advertising and illustration professionals who were suddenly free to apply their best and most innovative ideas that may have been constrained by mainstream business. With the lives and health of their community at stake, and often their own, these artists brought all of their skill to bear on efforts to save lives.

The catalog will contain images of these collected materials, primarily posters, including safer sex campaigns from North America, Europe, and Oceania. We will also include an art historical essay by Alex Fialho as well as Alex’s interview of Buzz Bense about the collection he accumulated, plus a foreword by CSC director Dr. Carol Queen.

CSC seeks support in producing this important volume of materials, both for the preservation of history and to communicate to the world more broadly the great power of the work so many did in desperate times. Contributions are critical to our success.

Gallerist Dorian Katz says, “We are halfway to our goal for our Safe(r) Sex Poster Catalog! Thank you so much for your support! The responses to our fundraising efforts have been so gratifying. Your continued help in letting people know about our efforts can really make a difference. We have even added new rewards. Publishing this collection of posters and the accompanying essays is important for the preservation and understanding of our history. You don’t want the history of the AIDS epidemic written by the folks who write school textbooks in Texas, do you?”

Coverage and promotional support so far:

Visual AIDS

San Francisco Arts Quarterly

Tantus founder Metis Black was so kind to talk about our project on OutQ: Sirius’ Derek and Romaine Show


There are also articles in the works at and coming soon!

New reward added: One hundred dollars or more gets donors a ticket to CatalystCon Thank you, Dee Dennis! (2 tickets available). Donors can still chose from any of our other great rewards such as copies of the poster catalog, beautiful posters (duplicates from our collection), CSC Library tote bags (it’s like we are PBS, no?), and even a personalized tour of the archive guided by our curator, Dorian Katz and CSC executive director Dr. Carol Queen.

“Go ahead and get yourself some of this great stuff while preserving and spreading the history that means so much to all of us,” says Katz. “Our understanding of ourselves, our formative experiences, and the events that shaped so many aspects of what our communities are today.” catalog

“These posters do more than chart the tragedy of an epidemic, of an outsider community reeling from grief, loss, and the decimation of a blooming culture of sexual liberation. The history of these posters is a story of a fight against stigma, hatred and ignorance; of a community stepping up to take care of its own; of finding a way to extinguish fear and build pride and self-esteem; and of devoted efforts of committed activists to communicate a path to health and survival.” –Buzz Bense, donor of CSC’s Safer Sex Poster Collection

About the Center for Sex & Culture:

The Center for Sex & Culture is a three-time winner of the SF Bay Guardian’s Best of the Bay award (Best Emerging Sex Non-profit, 2005, Best Erotic Resurrection for its Erotic Reading Circle, 2007, and Best Contest for Wankers, 2009) and was included in SF Weekly’s 2005 Best of San Francisco listing as “Best Place to Watch Pornos (and be Considered Intellectual)” and as its 2011 winner for “Best Palace of Self-Pleasure.” CSC hosts educational and cultural events having to do with sexuality for adults of every orientation and gender that span the continuum from didactic to experiential. It maintains a sexuality library, archive and gallery, and supports sex-related research projects. CSC is a 501(c)(3) educational organization; for more detail, to sign up for twice-monthly e-mailed event updates and/or its press list, please email To peruse the events calendar or learn more about the Center for Sex & Culture, see or visit our Tumblr site: CSC is on Facebook and tweets at @CentrSexCulture. 2261 Market St. #455-a | San Francisco, California 94114 Us