Jack Hammer Coming Back


Source: PR101

By: Company Press Release

Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer, aka Troy Mainwaring, will be released from prison November 25, 2013. There are several things he would like to do once out. Jack is determined to set a new course for his life, give back to society and help prisoners who need a hand up, and continue with Adult Industry projects.

Not only wanting to continue his Adult Industry career by shooting more and re-branding and re-releasing his over 300 movies, Jack intends to help others that have fallen into the prison system by providing a path for getting back on their feet.

Kim, a friend of Jack, writes:

Jack is currently taking classes until his release in November to better succeed after he gets out to try and lead a drug-free successful life after his many years in prison.

Once these inmates are released back into the world, without skills and training, and learning to live a clean life, They just end up in the revolving door of the prison system. This is why we are trying to help Troy [Jack] and in doing so, he in turn wants to help others.

There is an Indiegogo.com page that has been opened for Troy and I was hoping to get this information out there.

The site address is www.indiegogo.com/projects/cocoon–4

The account was opened to help raise money for Troy when he gets out, so he can get back on his feet.

He also has a Facebook page, and if fans would like to ask questions: www.facebook.com/troy.mainwaring/about?ref=ts

Chef Kim,

Adult Cakes by Kim
