Falcon’s Flight: Leya’s ”Interview”


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Leya Falcon

Leya Falcon

“You’re such an unhappy person,” Dr. Brick said in a verbally assaulting manner as I was walking away from her set of the worst “interview” experience of my entire life. I, in fact, am far from an unhappy person but will say I was very unhappy with the lies I was told by this lady’s producer, and the disrespect I endured during this “interview” experience with Dr. Brick.

I place the interview in quotations because it was truly not an interview. This lady’s intent was never to interview me for a “radio show” as I was told by her twitter-trolling producer, it was to gain solo content from me to sell with absolutely no form of payment and I was absolutely was not going to give it to her and because of this she then felt the need to disrespect me and start as much drama as possible which is exactly what she did.

“Leya! We want you on the Dr. Brick radio show as we are broadcasting live from Las Vegas Erotic Heritage Museum!” This was the tweet I received from the producer of this “radio show” and having had never turned down a chance to promote myself I jumped at the chance although it meant me having to skip out on my nap before heading to stripper work that night.

To be honest with you I should’ve stuck with the nap because as soon as I arrived to do this “radio interview” I immediately felt something was not right as there were people filming the entire thing. Against my better judgment, I decided to stick around patiently waiting my turn to be interviewed by this Dr. Brick and about 2 hours after my arrival, a long and daunting tour around the museum and maybe 123 yawns later I finally decided to speak up. “I don’t want to be a bitch but I really need to get to work so I am going to have to leave without the interview if this isn’t done soon.” I was shortly thereafter led to what looked a tour bus for some no-name band traveling the US playing in hole-in-the-wall bars but it turned out that it was this lady’s “interview” bus.

As I was loaded onto this tour bus the producer then offered me some foreign, illegal-in-the-US Absinthe (which I had never even heard of up until this point), I took the cup and one sip and thought this is definitely no vodka and I do not trust these people so I am just going to make it seem like I am drinking it until this is over. I was then told that I would be playing with myself for the camera, I immediately told the producer that I am not doing that without being paid and I was also on the first day of my period with bad cramps, she seemed to understand and reassure me I would not be asked to do anything.

Turns out the producer is a pathological liar because I was not only asked to perform for free on camera, I was also verbally and mentally attacked by Dr. Brick almost as soon as the “interview” started. I did not appreciate any of this, I was told this would be a radio interview and nowhere was I told that it would be filmed or that the crew would try to manipulate me and pressure me into performing solo content for them for absolutely no form of payment like she was Howard Stern or someone of that caliber.

“You are not Howard Stern, you are not paying me, I wasn’t even informed I would be asked of this and I think that your ‘show’ including yourself are highly unprofessional for this,” I stated my opinion as I lay in the bed where the “interview” took place with this glorified bag lady. I could not believe the way she was speaking to me and trying to take advantage of me like I am stupid. I admit, I may be slow sometimes but I am far from stupid like this classless Dr. Brick with her carelessly chosen garage sale outfit from the 80s apparently thought I was. After noticing that this glorified bag lady (thanks Bill J) was nothing but trouble I no longer cared if I appeared to be bitchy, I had to stand up for myself because if I didn’t, nobody else would.

“So you won’t play with the toys for our camera without money? So you’re only doing porn for the money?” I was obnoxiously asked as this lady’s last-ditch effort to get me to give her some content to sell. I had to brush it off and let her know that no, it is not the money, it is the principle of the matter and I am not just giving away my product (which is myself and my performance) without proper payment or heavy recognition from millions of people like I would receive if I were to be on Howard Stern, giving away my product would just be bad business practice on my part.

I am not sure why I expected a poorly run business to understand the logic behind the fact that if I performed for everyone’s cameras for free, who the fuck would pay for my performances? Like the old saying goes, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free! Sorry lady, but my milk costs money, and if you’re not going to pay me you better make for damn sure I will be getting a ton of attention and opportunities from it.

Brick could offer neither of these nor anything else of value.

At the end of this “interview” after taking several passive-aggressive shots at me all night about my preference of black men, Brick said that I was “filled with common chimpanzee” which entirely infuriated me as this woman knew that I am married to a black man and my daughter is bi-racial.

I wanted to shove her big ugly hat up her ass and call it a night but I didn’t want to stoop down to her level or get arrested for that matter.

I believe she is a complete racist that belongs back in the 1950s because she is certainly not civilized enough to be living in this new millennium.

I did my best to keep my cool while still making it known I was unhappy with this experience and the omission of information from the producer on what this “radio interview” really was, I think I did pretty well considering the circumstances.

I am not sure if the “interview” is out or if it will even be released, I just had to make it known to anyone that views it how it really was behind the scenes and my bitchiness in the “interview” was 157% warranted. To say I was “unhappy” with this Dr. Brick and crew trying to take advantage of me and taking personal shots at me is an understatement, I was livid but have learned to forgive realizing that the only reason people treat others so merciless is that they are miserable with themselves. I write about this experience to expose the truth and to give warning to the other women in the industry to completely avoid this lady unless she wants to be lied to, taken advantage of, and verbally assaulted – or if she needed something interesting to write about for her next column.

May the force be with you!
