New Syphilis Tests



By: Company Press Release


New 14-day Syphilis Tests Alleviates Need for Preventative Treatment

Great news! After continued and exhaustive research, APHSS doctors have discovered a new test for syphilis – Treponemal EIA. This state-of-the-art test significantly shortens the window for syphilis testing from 90 days to 14 days. This new test is FDA approved and has 99-100% levels of sensitivity and specificity.

Because of this significantly shortened window, APHSS is suspending preventative treatment and is asking performers who have not been preventatively treated to go to any APHSS provider and get tested with the new test and to get re-tested 14 days later.

Effective immediately, all APHSS providers will utilize the new Treponemal EIA test in every panel for performer testing.

For performers who have been preventatively treated with antibiotics:

Performers who have already received a preventative shot or prescription are clear to work, with a clean panel, 10 days after receiving treatment. That means performers who received preventative treatment on August 22, the first day treatment was provided, will be able to perform with a clean panel-that includes the new Treponemal EIA test–on September 1. If they were treated on August 23, they will be available on September 2 and so on. Performers will be shown as available to work on the APHSS database 10 days after treatment with a clean panel that includes the new Treponemal EIA test for syphilis.

For performers who have not been preventatively treated:

Performers, who have not received preventative antibiotics, should go to any APHSS provider and take the new Treponemal EIA test. If the test is positive, immediate treatment is available. If the test is negative, the performer should wait 14 days and retest with the new Treponemal EIA. With two negative Treponemal EIA tests 14 days apart, along with a cleared panel, the performer will be cleared for work. Performers will be shown as available to work 14 days after a negative Treponemal EIA test with a clean panel that includes the new Treponemal test for syphilis.

Results on performer treatment and testing will be reflected in the APHSS database as the performers meet the requirements and become available to work. There is no cost to sign up and utilize the database.

APHSS has thousands of sites for performers to choose from nationwide.

Performers can contact any of the providers below to obtain the new Treponemal EIA test.

AMTC Advanced Medical Testing Center

Locations Nationwide, including California

(888) 511-0262

Cutting Edge Testing – Van Nuys, CA Location

Dr. Peter Miao MD

(818) 386-2132

5000 Van Nuys Blvd. Suite 202, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

Hours: 10:00am to 5pm Mon-Fri

Lab(s) utilized: CERF Laboratories

Cutting Edge Testing – Ft. Lauderdale, FL Location

2312 Wilton Dr.

Wilton Manners, FL 33305

(954) 745-6888

STD Status

Approximately 2,000 locations nationwide including many in LA and Miami

Hours will vary by location


Dr. Sean Darcy

Concierge physician available to administer tests to groups on site by appointment in

Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco (310) 351-8814

To sign up for the APHSS database go to For any additional questions contact Joanne at 818-348-9373 or