From Where I Stand: BS!


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Rebecca Bardoux

Rebecca BardouxFrom Where I Stand by Rebecca Bardoux – No One has Time for This Bullshit

Growing up, condoms weren’t an issue for me. I got on birth control pills as soon as I started to have repeated sex. Getting pregnant was the issue. The only time I would use a condom was when I forgot to take my pill.

When AIDS came out during my early twenties it rocked everyone’s world. After that, using condoms was a must. It was part of having sex, and everyone did it. AIDS meant you were going to die.

When I got in the adult industry my first stop was to get an HIV test. Looking back on it now, I thought if you got tested and your partner was tested you could not get AIDS. I think the media was telling us that? The industry was small, we were always working, making tons of money and had little time to do anything else. We kept ourselves clean out of respect for our fellow performers, it worked.

Then in the 2000s it started to get tricky. Instead of being called for work and having one of the usual names announced, I heard names that I didn’t know. When I got to the set and saw the person connected to the name I knew something was not right. The tattoos didn’t help matters; can’t you get hepatitis C from tattoos? It was a different breed; most of them had no idea who Larry Flynt or Reuben Sturman was. They just knew they were going to be the next big “pornstar”.

Fast forward to now, the public is going to be able to vote on whether the industry should use condoms or not. Back in the 90s most of the public despised the adult industry. Now they get to vote on something that is not going to affect them at all. In fact, I see the only way the public will be affected by this is on an individual basic. If someone in the civilian world decides to have sex with an adult industry performers then it may affect them. That is a private decision between these two people, not the little old lady that lives down the street.

I am standing in the middle of this issue; I don’t know which way to go. I can see both sides are right and wrong. I am not picking sides! I made my decision years ago when I started doing adult movies. I had a chance of contracting HIV by not using a condom. Really, we all make that decision in our lives, porn or private.

It’s not my business what other people choose to do with their bodies or their lives. I can sit here for hours and think about the rights and wrongs of the condom issue. It gives me a headache and takes time away from having sex. (And it’s no one’s business if I use a condom or not.)

If you work at Wal-Mart and don’t watch porn, why is this any concern to you? Well, people have made it your concern. The real concern is the economy, putting food on your table and paying the rent. (Except for a few people that don’t have to worry about it.) Now everyone has to deal with this condom bullshit when they barely have enough time to spend with their loved ones.

I just got a great idea; every voter should just say fuck it and not vote on the issue. It’s nonsense that no one has time for. If you do have time to think about it, go volunteer at a homeless shelter instead. It doesn’t affect you so it’s none of your business! Healthcare is going to affect you. Whether people use condoms in an adult movie production won’t. If anyone thinks it does, I would like to hear why? I could be missing out on some information. Please email me at, or tweet me at @rebeccabardoux. Boy, I’m glad that’s solved!