MWA: PSK, Glory Stories


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Myles Shaffer

Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. There hasn’t been too much going on lately. However, I have managed to see a few friends, hear some singing, some good and some not-so-good, and get far more than my fair share of laughs. If anybody is now curious, they should read on to see what it is that I am speaking of. So let’s get to it without any further ado!

Pornstar Karaoke Club

Tuesday evening, December 27Th, I drove up to Sardo’s Lounge & Grill, in Burbank, to spend a little time hanging out and observing the goings on at Pornstar Karaoke Club.

The very sexy Nicki Hunter was hosting as usual.

Also in attendance were Tony Bones, Connie, Nadia Night, industry photographer Gordon Mui, and Julia Ann. (I saw a few other familiar-looking faces, but I’ll be darned if I knew whether they were Industry or lookie-loos.)

Conspicuous in their absences during the evening were Tod Hunter, Tee Reel, Tessa Lane and quite a few other well known industry people.

I only stayed for about an hour and then decided it was time to go home.

Glory Stories

Friday evening, December 30Th, I went to Hollywood to observe, “Glory Stories with Aly Sinclair.” I had a great time at the show!

The show was opened by, “The Wild.”

The cast of, “The Wild,” consisted of Nick Armstrong, Brandon Barrick, Luiz Cortes, Elizabeth Ebeling, Ali Ghandour, Gian Molina, Trevor Toth-Tevel and the always beautiful Canon Wing.

Once, “The Wild,” had finished their comedy performance, the audience was treated to a funnier than ever comedic performance by, “Glory Stories,” featuring Aly Sinclair as the guest story teller.

The cast of, “Glory Stories,” for this performance was Amanda Barnes, Brandon Barrick, Sean Cowhig, Joscar Joseph Herrera, Tiffani Ann Mills, Patrick Ian Moore, Dave Park, Neil Ruddy, Rebecca Stevens, and last but certainly not least, the forever beautiful and very funny Canon Wing. (Okay, I’ll admit it. I am just a bit smitten with Canon. What can I say? She strikes me as being a really wonderful and super-friendly person!)

I have since learned that beautiful, young, adult film starlet Sasha Knox was in the audience during the show. Unfortunately, I don’t remember even seeing her there. However, I have also learned that Sasha is scheduled to be the guest celebrity story teller during the Friday, March 9Th, performance. So everybody should mark their calendars, go meet Sasha, and have some great laughs that night! I certainly plan to do so if at all possible!

The next, “Glory Stories,” will be presented on Friday, January 13Th and will feature April Flores as the guest story teller. The event will also be celebrating the release of the new April Flores Topco Sex Toy with a special improv/storytelling performance and a late night dance party on Hollywood Boulevard. The dance party will be held inside the Main Stage Theater, and the pre-show party begins at 10PM in the bar area of the iO West Theater located at: 6366 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028 (the Hollywood area). The theater’s phone number is: (323) 962-7560

Okay, that’s it for now. Let’s all meet back here the next time to see what I’ll manage to come up with next. Until then, everybody stay safe, have a great week, and live life as if there were no tomorrow!

Bonsoir et au revoir,

Myles Shaffer