Darklady’s Sex Ed Sunday


Source: Darklady

By: Company Press Release


Event: Darklady’s Sex Ed Sunday – “Rope Bondage” and “SM 101” with Jay Wiseman

Its Sunday-Learn-About-Our-Sexuality Day!

Darklady has lured author and top tier BDSM educator Jay Wiseman to Portland for three Sex Ed Sunday workshops for kinky enthusiasts of all experience levels. Attend both daytime workshops for $15 or one for $10. Evening workshop is for Club Wonderground members Only and costs $5. Join on-site and get the workshop for Free!

“Rope Bondage you Can Actually Use:” Bring a 5’ – 6’ long length of rope (if you have one), and learn bondage techniques that you’ll actually remember and be able to use later. Demonstrations and practice sessions will reinforce instruction – and provide an excuse for some hands-on fun. 1:00 – 2:30pm.

“SM 101, a Realistic Introduction:” Jay literally wrote the book on BDSM and here’s a chance to learn what it is and is not, why people enjoy it, the difference between abuse and consent, how to play safer, how to use the various pieces of equipment, how to provide aftercare… and more. Bring your questions, your experiences, and your kinky nature. 3:00 – 4:30pm

Club Wonderground Members Only “Negotiation as Foreplay:” Jay is a “negotiation fetishist,” which should surprise no one who’s read “SM 101.” This special presentation will cover pre-scene negotiations and how they vastly improve the chance of a great scene. Learn ways to communicate before, during, and after a scene for maximum enjoyment and safety. 7:00 – 8:30pm

Bring a potluck contribution and money to purchase one or more of Jay’s instructional DVDs, and then get your kink on in a comfy, pansexual space. Join Club Wonderground and attend “Negotiation as Foreplay” for Free!

Donations for Esther’s Pantry are always welcome, but not required.

Ages 18 +

Sunday, November 28

Darklady’s Wonderground

Portland, Oregon

RSVP to Darklady@Darklady.com for address

ACCESSIBLE with assistance for most mobility limitations

— Darklady



