Annie Sprinkle Wedding Invitation


Source: Annie Sprinkle

By: Company Press Release

Annie Sprinkle Wedding Invitation

Your Invitation to Purple Wedding, the Ecosex Honeymoon Symposium and More! We the Ecosexual Artist Brides Annie M. Sprinkle and Elizabeth M. Stephens Request the Honor of Your Presence at Our Wedding

Because N.A.S.A. Has bombed the Moon prospecting for water…(really!) and because we are poisoning all of our water here on Earth at an alarming rate… and because Appalachian Mountains and the ecosystems they support are being destroyed by mountain top removal coal mining… we will have two weddings this fall, in order to inspire more love for our environment, as well as love for each other.

Purple Wedding to the Moon

Farnsworth Park Amphitheater, in Los Angeles (Altadena), CA. Officiated by the venerable Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping Choir Saturday, Oct. 23, 201 Gather: 6:00 PM, Ceremony: 6:30-8:00, Reception: 8:00- 9:00.

Purple Wedding to the Appalachian Mountains

Galbreath Memorial Chapel at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Homily by the heroic mountain keeper Larry Gibson Saturday, Nov. 6, 2010. Gather 2:30 PM, Ceremony 3:00-5:00. Reception: 5:00- 6:30.

Attire: Please Wear Purple and dress in theme(s) of the wedding: Water, Moon, Mountains, 6th chakra (third eye,) and the romantic, ecosensual love of nature.

For All the Wedding Details: See Invitation; Artist Statement; Call for Collaborators; and Everything you Need to Know.

Watch Our 2 Minute Ecosexual Video About the Wedding on Kickstarter! ecosex-honeymoon-sy

We have asked for ”no material gifts” for our past eight weddings (all of which we did in the past five years). The LA wedding will be our biggest production yet and it will be totally free and open to the public.

This time, we welcome monetary gifts to help us cover some of our production costs. In exchange you get your name in the program and

Some cool art stuff like ”Ecosexual” bumper-stickers, a post card sent to you from our honeymoon, and Annie’s panties bronzed by Beth.

This is a great way to collaborate with us and would help to us spread the love, and so easy to do on our Kickstarter link.

Related Events:

Oct. 21. Bachelorette Party–Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping Choir will perform at the glamorous Disney Theater (L.A.). Join us at this uplifting, inspiring performance. After the wedding they are taking their ”Earth-a-lujuah! Earth-a-lujah! Tour up the coast to Santa Cruz and San Francisco. Details and reservations at

Oct 24. Ecosex Honeymoon Symposium at the wonderful Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica, CA. Together we will deepen our understanding of what Sexecology and ecosexuality are all about. Panels, performances, moon pies, and more.

Nov. 3. Love Art Lab Artist Lecture @ the Kennedy Museum. Ohio University crd=artsforohio&op=cal&month=11&year=2010

Nov. 4 Ecosexuals in Love: Our Pollen-Amorous Relationship to the Earth, Sky and Sea Opening reception of our exhibit at Trisolini Gallery in Athens, Ohio. crd=artsforohio&op=cal&month=11&year=2010

Nov. 5- Sexecological Walking Tour. Meet at the Pond, Ohio University. crd=artsforohio&op=cal&month=11&year=2010

Nov. 12th-Jan 27th. Sexecology. Purple Wedding ephemera installation at the magnificent Kennedy Museum.

Dec. 18. Our Anniversary. We begin the last year of our 7 year Love Art Laboratory project. (Inspired by artist Linda M.Montano)

A Call for Collaborators & Sponsors Make Art, be Part of the Reception or Production Team, be Part of the Documentation Team, Make Food, Do set DÉCor, Arts & Crafts, Design the Wedding Program, Usher, Create the Wedding Cake, Perform, be Part of Our Honey Moon Ecosex Symposium…We invite companies, organizations and individuals to get involved.

Thanks to everyone already collaborating with us on this work in progress! We’ll get back to you soon and get all your names up on our web site ASAP!

For help with this invitation thanks to Tessa Wills (Kickstarter assistance) (our wedding portrait), Lady Monster (production help,) Femina Potens, and the Center for Sex and Culture.

Contact Us if you Want to Collaborate and for press Inquiries:

For More Information and to view documentation from our past weddings:

With ecosexual love,

Beth & Annie