MWA: Little Cassee, Sizzlin’ Sierra


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Myles Shaffer

Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. This was not a normal weekend. There were only two feature dancers performing any where in Southern California that I was aware of. However, not only were the two ladies very unique, they were performing together at the same time. Can we say duo act? Have I aroused the curiosity of anyone? Good! Then please read on.

Little Sassy Cassee and Sizzlin’ Sierra

Thursday evening, June 10Th, I drove out to the Hustler Club, in Redlands, CA, to see whether or not Little Sassy Cassee would remember me and to meet Sizzlin’ Sierra for the first time.

Cassee really didn’t remember me, but then, I’m not at all surprised. After all, on July 25Th, it will have been two years since the night we met.

I only stayed for one show. I will explain why later in this column.

These are the descriptions of the costumes the ladies wore for their first show of the evening.

Cassee wore a blue-green costume. She wore a bra that was decorated with a strip of dark blue sequins over the top edge of the breast cups. She also wore a sheer mini-skirt-like piece with a strip of dark blue sequins around the waistband. Under the skirt-like piece, Cassee wore a pair of footless pantyhose, and beneath that, she wore a thong.

Sierra wore a black bra sort of top piece and a pair of black panties. She also wore a pair of sheer black pantyhose with criss-crossed black lines that gave them the appearance of almost being fishnets with huge openings. Sierra also wore a red ribbon in her hair.

Both ladies performed without any sort of footwear.

While the rather athletic Cassee danced around, did some very good pole work, and performed at least one hand stand press, Sierra danced around smiling and looking beautiful for the tip rail customers.

Cassee and Sierra also briefly performed a few moments of simulated girl/girl action with each other at least three different times.

The ladies interaction with the tip rail patrons was limited to getting close to everybody at various times and giving everyone lots of sexy smiles. However, I don’t think anybody had a problem with that. Actually, I believe this club may not allow too much in the way of, ”up close, in your face, and personal,” customer interaction. I say this mainly because I didn’t notice any of the house dancers making any sort of physical contact with any of the customers during their stage performances.

The ladies performed this show to, ”Lollipop,” by Framing Hanley, ”Foxy, Foxy,” by Rob Zombie, and, ”Fake it,” by Seether.

I know that Cassee is only two feet ten inches tall and she has curly blonde hair. I’m not absolutely certain, but I believe that Cassee has brown eyes.

I heard the DJ mention that Sierra is four feet tall with double D breasts. I do have to agree with the DJ, and Sierra’s lovely breasts appear to be all natural. I certainly didn’t see anything that would allow me to say that she has been enhanced. Sierra had black hair and I’m fairly certain her eyes are brown.

That is all I can say about Cassee and Sierra’s physical attributes. Because the ladies are little people, I just couldn’t bring myself to ask them for their weigh or their measurements. I was afraid that because they are little people, they might misinterpret my reasons for asking and be offended.

I can say one thing for certain. I see so called normal sized women every day of my life who can only wish they had breasts so large and beautiful as those which Sierra possesses, and I don’t believe they cost her a dime!

I wasn’t able to spend nearly so much time chatting with Cassee and Sierra as I would have liked to, but I still feel safe in saying that they are both intelligent ladies with good senses of humor. I can safely say that they are both quite friendly, and it is my opinion that they both enjoy meeting and chatting with the fans.

I would have liked to stay for their final show, but I was getting tired, and the club was entirely too crowded to my liking. So I said goodnight and headed home. (Maybe I need to take stronger vitamins, or maybe get some exercise and more sleep.)

I do recommend that everybody who gets an opportunity should get out to a nearby club to see Cassee and/or Sierra perform and to meet them in person. These are a pair of very likable ladies, and I can’t see anybody not taking an instant liking to them. I know that I certainly did!

Now I would not want anybody to go see either of these ladies perform simply because they are little people. Size shouldn’t make any difference whatsoever! Cassee and Sierra are good performers, period!

Cassee still does not seem to have an official website. However, she can be found at:

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find Sizzlin’ Sierra anywhere on the Internet. Maybe somebody else will have better luck than I.

That will do it one more time. Everybody please meet me back here the next time, and we will continue the ongoing discussion of sexy ladies. Until then, everybody stay safe, have a great week, and live life as if there were no tomorrow!

Bonsoir et au revoir,

Myles Shaffer