Horny Goat Crashes Strip Club Entrance


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Steve Nelson

Lynx Gentlemen

Hank Armstrong, owner of the Lynx Gentlemen’s Club in Coachella, California, said, ”I saw this goat at the front of the club the day before, but it ran away when I drove up.”

Next morning the goat was back, and was apparently jealous of it’s own reflection — not unlike the occasional strip club patron — in the glass entrance of the club, and head-butt right through the glass crashing into the club.

Armstrong found the broken glass and a trail of blood from the horny goat when he arrived in the morning and was amazed when he viewed the surveillance tape. It shows the goat gazing at it’s reflection and likely perceiving it as a rival goat and attacking the two quarter-inch panes of safety glass at the entrance of the club.

Armstrong says they are now hiring dancers at the club so if you are looking for a good job at a nice club — and can deal with the occasional crasher — contact Hank Armstrong at espx@aol.com, 760-398-6666, or go by Lynx Gentlemen’s Club at 46156 Dillon Road, Coachella, CA 92236.