Condom Regulations


Source: YNOT Support News Service

By: Company Press Release

Condom Regulations

An Important Message From the Free Speech Coalition: Dear Adult Entertainment Industry Producers,

Last week in a preemptive move, FSC took the issue of Cal OSHA regulations, mandatory condoms, and mandatory testing to the California state capital. We spoke with a number of legislative offices, committee representatives and health and labor organizations.

During our conversations, representatives of these organizations confirmed that no language has yet been submitted to the Legislature. Moreover, these representatives were encouraged by FSC’s strategy to create industry-appropriate guidelines for adult productions and protection for our performers.

Even before an adult performer tested positive for HIV in June, the FSC began working on a Bloodborne Pathogen Plan (BBP) appropriate for the adult industry. This effort was in response to increased Cal OSHA attention on adult productions.

Cal OSHA, as well as a few opportunistic entities such as AIDS Healthcare Foundation and LA County Health, seek to regulate us and are currently working on mandatory condom and testing legislation and regulations. FSC, the adult entertainment industry’s trade association, is pushing back and we need your input on the draft BBP plan.

This user-friendly plan puts into ”OSHA-speak” the already rigorous risk reduction procedures utilized within the industry coupled with standard OSHA requirements. Special thanks to the following individuals for their significant input: Sharon Mitchell of AIM, Derek Hay of LA Direct Models and LATATA, John Stagliano of Evil Angel, Steven Scarborough of Hothouse, industry attorneys Paul Cambria and Jeffrey Douglas, and attorney and OSHA specialist Karen Tynan.

Once the BBP is accepted by a majority of industry producers, we can bring the plan back to legislators, confirming that the industry already has highly effective risk reduction procedures in place, thus negating the need for legislation. Bringing the plan to Cal OSHA will provide them with BBP practices for adult production companies–practices that are not only appropriate for the industry, but also highly effective. Please take a moment to look over the draft plan and provide feedback through the survey tool provided.

Cal OSHA and other organizations are seeking to regulate the adult entertainment industry–an industry they know nothing about. As your trade association, the FSC is not only the watchdog for the industry, but also a voice of reason in these tumultuous times. We promise to keep you informed as we progress through this critical process.

Thank you for your time, your feedback and your ongoing support.


Diane Duke

FSC Executive Director