Taya Parker 2010 Schedule


Source: Continental Agency

By: Company Press Release

Taya Parker Penthouse

Taya Parker is booking her 2010 calendar with night club appearances. Taya is coming off a banner 2009 year, as she starred in and won the ”Rock of Love” reality show, with Brett Michaels. Taya also won Penthouse Magazine’s prestigious ”Pet of the Year” title and spent much of her year touring the Penthouse circuit of clubs.

Taya is well known for her tightly choreographed dance routines. Her dance skills won her the Exotic Dancer ”Entertainer of the Year ” title in 2007. She looks forward to returning to the feature dance circuit and being a stage performer again.

Call Frank Bane for Bookings at 727-363-7100

Frank Bane

Continental Agency
