Jazella Moore & PAW Naked Bowling


Source: PR 101

By: Company Press Release

Jazella Moore

This week, so far, has been a whirlwind of shooting and interviews for Jazella Moore. Jazella and her husband Scott Janke, who is out of his job as city manager because of his wife’s occupation, have been in the L.A. area since August 4th.

After a quick visit to AIM (Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation) to be tested, they were introduced to Bill Margold at the Protecting Adult Welfare office. Bill was quick to invite both of them to the ”Bare Bowling” event this September 6th.

Jazella and Scott answered they would love to if they could find time between taking care of the triplets and bringing Jazella’s mother over from Portugal.

Here are the details on the PAW event. Print it out and send it in for your tickets:

Protecting Adult Welfare’s annual ”Fun”raiser is on Sunday September 6, 2009. Join dozens of XXX actresses for an evening of incredible photo opportunities.

There is room for ”only” 120 bowlers. The tickets—priced at $40 per bowler are sold on a ”first come…first served” basis. Teams of five bowlers can register for PAW’s ”Bare Bottom” price of $150.

You will be notified of the time and location when your ticket(s) are sent out. 18 and over! No alcohol will be served.

Send your payment to:

Protecting Adult Welfare

8033 Sunset Blvd. #851

Los Angeles, CA 90046




For more information:

(818) 501-6139 or bmargold@AOL.com