Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Michael Grecco

Hi Steve, It’s been a very busy few months here at the studio. My feature length documentary, ”Naked Ambition” was released in LA a few weeks ago to a great review in the Los Angeles Times and a profile in the Hollywood Reporter:
”’Naked Ambition: An R-Rated Look at an X-rated Industry’ is an entertaining, adeptly crafted documentary that treats its provocative subject matter with refreshing respect.” -LA Times
”AVN is short for the Adult Video News Awards, a four-day event held in Las Vegas every January that’s best described as ‘the Oscars of Porn.’ I know all this, I hasten to explain, not from having done any research on my own, but simply from having enjoyed an early look at Michael Grecco’s fascinating documentary ‘Naked Ambition: An R-Rated Look at an X-Rated Industry.”’ -THR
The NA website was named one of the best websites:
I just found out that I won two Society of Publication Designers Awards, contest number 43. We also just completed a large studio shoot with Chelsea Handler and her side kick Chuy for the cover of their new books. See the image below from Chuy’s upcoming book, ”Little Nuggets of Wisdom.”
Last but certainly not least, I have joined Edgar Varela Fine Arts and Timothy Yarger Fine Art, representing my Naked Ambition images and celebrity images respectively. For Tim Yarger, we shipped prints to Asia for a major traveling show that starts in Thailand, with an 8 page feature story in Harper’s Bazaar. The show continues on to Hong Kong and several other countries in Asia.
On the featured images page to the website are some new images from a Canadian fashion shoot we did in Vancouver:
Michael Grecco
Michael Grecco Photography 1701 Pier Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90405 310.452.4461
Representation / Blur Photo / 323-836-0194 /