Cumisha Amado and George O. DeLorenzo on Playboy Radio


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: George O. DeLorenzo

Cumisha Amado

Hi Steve,

Just received conformation from Playboy Radio. Cumisha Amado and I are going to be on the show Friday Aug. 22, 2003 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm.

The show can be heard on XM205. It seems the FCC wouldn’t let them run the show on standard radio due to the language and topics.

You know this is going to be a fun hour as Cumisha talks about what going on in her life as well as what’s in the works.

Fans can call into the show by dialing 1-800-359-8100 and they can speak to Cumisha or myself.

I’ll be there promoting the HardonComics site [linked in the box to the right], so please let your readers know about this.

Who could pass up an hour of uncensored Cumisha!?

