Source: Free Speech Coalition
By: Company Press Release

FSC Announces Request-for-Proposal Letter for Challenge to U.S.C. 18 2257 RFP process will allow lawyers to bid for selection to legal team that will challenge the latest revisions to 2257.
(CANOGA PARK, CA) — The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has announced that it will issue a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) letter to solicit attorneys for consideration in choosing a legal team to challenge the latest revisions to U.S.C. 18 2257 and 2257A regulations, released by the Justice Department in mid-December.
Attorneys and law firms can respond with a proposal, and will be entered into a confidential, sealed bid process. The purpose of the Request-for-Proposal process is to insure the best candidates are chosen, while also maintaining fiscal responsibility for the FSC.
”This document was influenced by RFPs from other non profits, universities, and government agencies,” FSC Executive Director Diane Duke said in the letter to attorneys. ”The RFP process is intended to help regularize the process of awarding major contracts in connection with FSC projects.
”The goal of this RFP is to retain the best team of attorneys for the litigation while at the same time ensuring fiscal responsibility.” Duke continued. ”The selection committee will be composed of a combination of FSC Board members and other industry leaders, and they will be pledge to the confidentiality which is required of a sealed bid process such as this one.” Interested parties, attorneys and law firms can contact Duke directly at if they would like to receive a Request-for-Proposal letter or more information.
Established in 1991, the Free Speech Coalition’s mission is to lead, protect and support the growth and well-being of the adult entertainment community.
Free Speech Coalition
P.O. Box 10480,
Canoga Park, CA 91309
ph: 818-348-9373
Diane Duke
(818) 304-1712