AFA Urges ‘No’ Vote on Arts Agency Increase


Source: American Family Association

By: Company Press Release

(WASHINGTON) — The American Family Association today urged Members of the U.S. House to vote against increasing funding to the National Endowment for the Arts. The NEA, throughout its history, has paid for homosexual film festivals, blasphemous works of ‘art’ and for the production and distribution of many pornographic videos,“ said AFA director of governmental affairs Patrick A. Trueman. Each year more outrages by the NEA come to light. ”The NEA does not deserve a raise,“ he added.

The Department of Interior Appropriations bill will be on the floor of the U. S. House late Tuesday, June 13, or Wednesday, June 14. The NEA is funded in this appropriation. The amount the NEA was voted to receive in committee is the same as last year, $98 million, although there were two amendments proposed to substantially increase funding. Both amendments were defeated but floor amendments to spend millions more on the NEA are expected.

House Republican leadership has promised to fight against any funding increases for the agency, noted Trueman. So far, they have made good on their promises, he said. “The profamily movement will be outraged if the NEA is rewarded with more money after its several year track record of funding material that glorifies immorality,” Trueman said.