Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Violet Blue

Work is slow… So, I’m selling some of my stuff if anyone is interested. I have school girl skirts, panties and bra sets, shoes (my converse are already sold) and dildos that I’ve used in videos and photo shoots.
Soooo, if you have a favorite photo shoot of mine that you might like to have an item from, let me know and I’ll check and see if I still have it. You can email me directly at violetblue418 at Yahoo dot com. No, I’m not selling my pentagram…
If you’d like an autographed picture, please send a SASE to:
Violet Blue
P.O. Box 171,
Pacific Beach, WA 98571
If you want a particular picture, you can email me that image and include $20. Otherwise you’ll get what I’ve got stacked up, which are usually DVD inserts.
Violet Blue