MWA: Erika Steele, Katie Morgan, Penny Flame, Shyla Stylez


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Myles Shaffer

Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. I suppose my illustrious Editor-in-Chief was right last week. Apparently not all of the industry newbies think I am a fake and a dangerous sexual predator.

One of the industry ladies I met for the first time ever on Saturday night, January, 27Th, offered to give me her phone number after informing me that she was currently having trouble with her e-mail account.

Thanks Steve, for keeping me grounded, for keeping me headed in the right direction, and for doing so much to keep my self-esteem elevated! You are a great friend to have!

Okay, now theny, enough with the mushy stuff. Let us move on to the discussion of beautiful young women who make us all drool down the front of our shirts! (If beautiful women do not tend to make you drool, then you have no business reading my columns, because beautiful women is about all we discuss here.)

Erika Steele

Wednesday, January 24Th, I drove down to the Fantasy Castle, in Signal Hill, to say hello to Erika Steele and to observe her last show of the evening. Had I known earlier what I know now, I would have worked harder to get there much earlier and spent more time with Erika.

Shortly after I arrived at the club, a beautiful woman with black hair walked up to me, said hello, and asked how I was doing. Then she asked me if I didn’t recognize her. I said that her face was definitely familiar. She then said, “I’m Erika Steele!”

Yes folks, the Erika whom I have always known as a blonde now has black hair! (Had she still had blonde hair, I think I would have known who she was instantly. Otherwise, I would have to be even more senile than I thought.) Erika told me that her current hair color is more or less her natural color.

For the one show I did manage to see, Erika wore her vampire costume. This costume consisted of a floor length black cape with a red lining, an ankle length, tight, black dress trimmed with two to three inch long strings of red beads and just enough sequins to reflect the light and made the dress sparkle here and there. She additionally wore black high heeled shoes and a black bikini trimmed with more strings of red beads beneath the outer portion of the costume.

Erika danced to what I suppose one could call soft rock, for the most part. Also, Erika performs on stage so well as the vast majority of the feature dancers I have seen over the years, and her interaction with the denizens of the tip rail is always very good, up close, in your face, and personal. (I regret that I was never able to see Erika perform in a full nude club were she could get away with just about anything she might want to do!)

The reason I found myself wishing that I had gotten to the club much earlier is because Erika informed me that she only has one more gig before retiring! She will be performing at a club named Big Lou’s, or possibly Big Louie’s, I’m not certain what she called it, in Allentown, Pennsylvania, this coming March. Erika wasn’t certain of the exact dates. So, I want everybody who is in the Allentown area, or can get there, to check it out, get the exact name of the club and the exact dates of Erika’s gig, then go see Erika perform, meet her in person, and bid her a fond adieu. It will be the last chance and Erika is well worth the drive to the club!

Check Erika out at:

Katie Morgan

Thursday, January 25Th, I went to the downtown Los Angeles Spearmint Rhino to spend some time with Katie Morgan and to observe both of her shows of the evening.

For the first show of the evening, Katie wore a costume that consisted of black high heeled shoes with knee high black stockings, and a black latex mini dress. Beneath the dress, she wore a black latex bikini of sorts, and a black G-string beneath it all.

For her last show of the evening, Katie wore her private girl’s boarding school costume which consisted of white shoes, thigh high white stocking, and a pink garter on her left thigh. Additionally, the costume consisted of a red plaid mini skirt and a midnight blue blazer with some sort of a gold emblem on the left breast. Beneath all this, she wore a white mini slip, a small white blouse that tied between her breasts, a white collar and a small red plaid tie. Her final layer of clothing was a white string bikini that was working to hide the essentials, but it was not making all that great an effort to get the job done.

Before Katie took the stage for her first show, I had been wondering whether or not she would recognize my face, as she had in Tucson, Arizona, last November. Not to worry, folks. As soon as she walked onto the stage, she danced her way straight across to me, leaned down, and gave me a hug and a kiss. (I turned to a friend of mine and said, “It would appear that she remembers me.” My buddy gave me an envious look and said, “Apparently so.”)

Katie is a lovely, blonde haired lady with a hot body! She is also intelligent, and an absolute pleasure to chat with.

Additionally, Katie has one of the most bubbly, upbeat, positive, happy-go-lucky personalities I have ever been exposed to. She is extremely friendly and loves to meet and chat with her fans.

Even though Katie has been featuring for a little less than three months, she is already so good on stage as the vast majority of feature dancers currently touring today! When I say that Katie Morgan dances, I mean that she actually does some dancing.

Katie’s interaction with the tip rail patrons is very up close, in your face, and personal. I would personally rate her interaction as very good, if not excellent!

At this point, I must admit, that I was so enthralled with watching Katie dance and remove her clothing, I forgot to pay any attention to the music she performed to during both shows. However, unless I miss my guess, she performed to rock music.

Katie Morgan is well worth the drive to a nearby club to see her perform and to meet her in person. In fact, it is my opinion that Katie is worth the drive to a not so nearby club. Hey, don’t forget, I drove from the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area to Tucson, Arizona last November to see her dance. And, I would have done so even if I hadn’t been committed to attend and participate in the P.A.W. Funraiser event in Phoenix that same weekend. (I am planning to make another trip to Tucson next week, but I won’t say who I will be seeing. Everybody will just have to wait for my next column to find out who she is. I will say that she is a very good feature.)

Pay Katie a visit at:

Penny Flame

Friday night, January 26Th, I drove up to the Blue Zebra Cabaret, in North Hollywood, to spend some time with Penny Flame and to observe her last two shows of the evening.

For the first show I saw, Penny wore a costume which consisted of a black midriff top, a very small, pink plaid, mini skirt, and a pair of red high heeled shoes trimmed with some sort of fuzzy stuff. Beneath this costume, Penny wore only a pink and white checkered pair of panties.

During this particular show, Penny performed to rock music, if I remember correctly.

For her final show of the evening, Penny wore a costume that consisted of a black hat, a long sleeved, large, white, men’s shirt, and very glittery red, high heeled shoes. Beneath this costume she wore a black bra, a black garter belt, and a pair of thong style black panties.

Penny opened this show with a very good rendition of, “Fever.” the rest of her music for this show was some show type tunes I wasn’t familiar with, but were never-the-less very good listening.

When the final song of this set began, Penny pulled a beautiful, blonde house dancer named Jordan up onto the stage with her. The two ladies then began to work together in what amounted to a very sensual, extremely sexy, mini duo act.

Had I not known better, I would have thought that Penny and Jordan had choreographed and extensively practiced their little routine before performing it for the customers. It looked that good!

Penny’s interaction with the tip rail homesteaders was so good, the bible thumping hypocrites that want to shut down all strip clubs would have sworn that she was committing sex acts with them!

Penny is not only a good looking lady with a beautiful, all natural, body, she is severely friendly, sweet and a blast to speak with. I also strongly suspect that she harbors a very good brain inside her pretty, young head! And she loves to meet her fans. Especially the nice ones who treat her like a lady.

I thought that Penny did quite well on stage the first time I met her and she was just starting to feature. Comparing this night to that first meeting, Penny has vastly improved with gained experience.

I for one will not miss any opportunity I might get to go to a club to see Penny Flame perform and to hang out with her, and I would recommend that nobody else miss out on any chance they might get to see her. is still being developed. However, some good pictures of Penny can be see at

Shyla Stylez

Saturday evening, January 27Th, I drove up to the Van Nuys Rouge Gentlemen’s Club to see and meet Shyla Stylez.

Unfortunately, it began to sprinkle just about the time I entered the west bound lanes of the Pomona Freeway (CA-60). Of course, traffic instantly got worse. I still made fairly good time until I hit downtown Los Angeles. Although it didn’t take too terribly long to clear the downtown area, I no sooner got into the clear and began to pick up speed when a C.H.P. cruiser entered the Hollywood freeway just ahead of me. That kept me honest for several miles. I eventually arrived at the club and walked in just in time to see Shyla Stylez wearing nothing but a pair of high heeled shoes, tossing a couple of posters to the customers.

I did get to meet and speak with Shyla twice during the evening, and I did stay for her second show.

Shyla is a beautiful young woman with somewhat long, blonde, hair and an incredible body. (When I told Shyla that I thought she looked a bit like jessica drake, she told me that people tell her that all the time.)

Shyla is also intelligent, well spoken, and has a good sense of humor. Additionally, Shyla struck me as being extremely sweet and friendly. And, based on what I observed, I would have to say that Shyla truly enjoys meeting her fans. I myself enjoyed the limited amount of time I was able to converse with Shyla immensely.

For the one show I observed in its entirety, Shyla wore a costume which consisted of white, high heeled, platform soled, shoes, and pajamas made up of rather short shorts, a hip length night shirt and topped off with an old fashioned night cap. The pajama costume was all white and pin striped with lines of gold sequins. The night cap matched the color and trimmings of the rest of the costume and was additionally trimmed with white fur at the bottom and a ball of white fur at the end. Beneath everything else, Shyla wore a white bikini bra and white thong style bikini bottoms.

Shyla, especially for a relative newcomer, performed quite well on stage while dancing to rock music. She ended the show with a lotion bit.

While Shyla made no physical contact with the customers, her interaction was never-the-less up close and personal with lots of very sexy smiles, flirting, and good close up looks at the goodies. (I later advised her that, if she is not uncomfortable with the idea, she should start making at least a little bit of physical contact with at least a few randomly selected tip rail customers.)

I personally think that Shyla Stylez is going to evolve into a very good feature dancer. I myself intend to see her perform any chance I get and I would recommend that my readers do the same. In fact, why not begin bugging the owners and managers of the local clubs to book Shyla for a featuring gig?

I have been unable to locate a website for Shyla. However, she can be seen at:

Pictures of Shyla can also be found on many other adult websites.

The incredibly pretty and cute Michelle Avanti was there at the club hanging out with Shyla that night.

Also, Derek Hay, president of L. A. Direct Models, with Heidi Mayne and Carmel Moore in tow, showed up in time for Shyla’s second show.

Heidi has been in the industry for about four months, while Carmel is brand new to the business.

I was very impressed with both ladies. Both of these ladies are beautiful blondes. Heidi is taller that average, while Carmel is somewhat petite but not too small. Carmel is from England and has a delightful accent.

Heidi Mayne and Carmel Moore can both be seen at:

Unfortunately, I can not find a website for Michelle Avanti, but I’m certain pictures of her can be found by simply doing a web search.

Well folks, that’s it for another week. Now it is time for me to get some sleep. I have a long drive ahead of me in the morning. Everybody stay safe, live life to its fullest, and we will all meet back here next week!

Bonsoir et au revoir,

Myles Shaffer