Dave Cummings’ From the Trenches


Source: Courtesy of DaveCummings.com

By: Dave Cummings

Dave Cummings

Do you support the War on Porn? Vote on whether federal resources should be wasted on countering pornography at MSNBC.msn.com/id/9506428/ [linked in the box to the right]

HowToMakeAdultVideos.com was recently born out of the need for me to cut down on the high volume of emails I was getting from folks wanting information on how they could produce their own adult films. The E-Book and recordings on the site are from the 3-hour class I teach in San Diego (I think it’s a bargain!). What was initially a manageable level of such correspondence has now become a time-consuming flood that diverts me from other crucial and deadline-type priorities. At the suggestion of a computer-whiz attorney, we formed a partnership and he administers most of the endeavor involved with the site. Whew! It’s amazing how many wannabe producers want to use filming as their way to try and get laid.

I’m heartened by the expressions of support from the many people who also feel the anger I expressed in my column last month. I still can’t understand why the radical religious hypocrites won’t leave us consenting adults alone, and instead root out their own personal problems and organizational failures, for example the priests and other who sexually prey upon children!

This last month has been relatively quiet, though still filled with sex fun. Once again, I was honored to be on Playboy Television’s “Night Calls”. Ten female cast members and just one guy, namely me; the girls were Juli Ashton (former winner of the Free Speech Coalition’s “Positive Image” Award — incidentally, my very first non-amateur adult film was when I “worked with” Juli in “The Devil in Miss Jones, Part 5” in late 1994), Tiffany Grannath, Ashley Blue, Sativa Rose, Brittney Skye, Nadia Styles, Bobbie Blair, Sunny Lane, Karlie Montana, and Trinity Post. It’s always been enjoyable performing in Playboy Television productions over the past years, and this one was no exception. I especially liked the “rehearsals” prior to the live broadcast, which was themed around girls venturing into the arena of anal sex; Trinity Post and I performed an instructional-type demonstration!

I enjoyed lots of family activities this past month. My daughter and her 16-year old (my oldest of four grandchildren) visited while attending a 10-day college medical orientation at San Diego State University. We did a lot of the tourist things in San Diego, participated in nearby events with my son’s family, and had a lot of quality family time together giggling and laughing about the past. It’s nice to be friends, as well as relatives! Of course, I sanitized my condo of traces of my adult films involvement—all of my immediate and extended family seem to know about my “occupation”, but I wanted to show respect by stashing indications of it outside their view. I am proud of my involvement in the business, but I still try to never offend anyone.

On another personal note, I will be going to New York this weekend for my Step-Mom’s 88th birthday; when I return, I’ll be performing for Wildlife Productions in Los Angeles, and doing “stuff” here in San Diego, before going under the knife again at a military hospital to have another confirmed skin cancer cut out of my face, this time on the side of my nose; the last surgery required 20+ stitches on the side of my face, and a previous one necessitated eight stitches in my upper lip—my point in relating this is to urge everyone to always practice sun screen discipline, and to wear hats. My surgeon says that I am paying the price from sun exposures of 20-35 years ago. One last thing, please nag your children to also prevent future skin cancer by using appropriate sun block Now!

My fun with swingers continues, and I still see groupie girls for “no drama” get-togethers; hot sex without emotional involvement, that’s the way to go! I have a heavy non-sex social life, too. Friends are so very important, and a healthy lifestyle makes life fun. Yes, I still do the jog/brisk walk exercising almost daily, usually doing 25-35 miles a week (I did 56 miles the week I turned 65, just to show myself that I could indeed do it! Now, if I could just find a dislike for chocolate, beer, and the other things that have ballooned me to 188 pounds!).

Ok! I purposely stayed away from major political matters in this month’s column. But, I still urge you to do your share to protect Free Speech and your Constitutional right to view porn in the privacy of your home.

Stay safe,

Dave Cummings

