Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Janet Jacme

(ATLANTA, GA) — Jacme has issued a personal entry into her diary ( where she says while she believes that Ms. Jackson’s Super Bowl strip was planned, that the resulting over-reaction has gotten out control.
“CBS certainly got some play from this thing, as did MTV,” Janet Jacme says on her website, “And the funny thing to me is, all the TV outlets are supposedly outraged, but every night, all the newscasts and entertainment shows are playing the clip of Justin Timberlake taking off Janet’s top in super slow motion. Over and over again. What we saw live was, what, two seconds?”
Janet Jacme ultimately believes that Janet Jackson will emerge from this stronger and says many of her friends in the adult industry share this opinion and are supporting the pop singer.
“Everybody is getting some play out of this,” Janet Jacme said, “As is Janet. Her new single, Just a Little While, is a great cut (I may dance to it soon!) and if nothing else, she’s gotten her brother and his trial out of the media spotlight for awhile.”
Janet Jacme is one of the most popular adult actresses of all time. She is listed in many adult news organization’s Hall of Fames and has starred in more than 1,000 films. She is scheduled to appear on Playboy TV’s “Lex in the City” show, available on national cable and satellite outlets at 12:30 a.m. EST Thursday morning.
The show will repeat for the next week.
You can get more information about Janet at her official webpage, or via email to to arrange an interview for publication or TV airing.