


By: Company Press Release

(BURBANK, CA) — On January 1, 2004 joins the feverish group of adult news Internet sites. After over seven years covering for the adult industry, former AVN Senior Associate Editor Tod Hunter offers his unique and often irreverent perspective on the adult industry. Plus politics, mainstream entertainment and whatever else strikes his fancy. Those of you familiar with Tod and his work need no introduction to his special brand of gossip, news and opinion.

He threatens promises to revive features of his longtime Internet columns including "The Obligatory Friday Mainstream Wrap-Up," obits of "900-year-old dead guys" and the occasional "E-mails I never clicked on," and swears hopes he will be updating as often as seven five two, maybe three times a week. The site will also feature reviews of new videos, exclusive interviews and on the set reports.

Tod tells us he will be posting from Las Vegas during Adult Expo "If the Motel 6 phones have jacks. Otherwise, look for updates at whenever I can make it to the Internet cafe’ across from the Monte Carlo. Or buy me a drink and I’ll just tell you the latest, it’s all the same to me."

Remember, it’s Tod-Hunter (with a hyphen) (dot) NET