Nicole Moore Takes Over as Publisher of Liberty Network and WP&A-Adult News


Source: Banan Entertainment Group

By: Company Press Release

Nicole Moore

(NEW YORK, NY) — In an unprecedented move Publisher Steve Banan, Editor Carl Messinger and General Manger Robert Stewart, announced this morning that adult and mainstream actress, host, model, and writer Nicole Moore would assume the role as Publisher for the Liberty Network, Inc. And WP&A-Adult News, Inc., effective today December 9, 2003.

In Los Angeles, CA, this morning former publisher of the Liberty Network, Inc., Steve Banan commented on the Banan Entertainment Group’s decision to assign Nicole Moore as the publisher of the Liberty Network, Inc. “I am going to be so busy over the next year producing and directing several projects, I don’t feel that I would be able to give the Network and WP&A-Adult News the attention that it truly deserves.”

Steve said, “The Liberty Network was started in 1995; it has become the mainstay for the adult and mainstream industry alongside Adult Video News, AINews, and the newcomer Adult FYI. WP&A-Adult News was established in 1996, was, remains, and stands alone as the only adult web mail to reach out to over 41,000,000 readers throughout the world. Carl Messinger, Robert Stewart and I felt due in part to Nicole’s involvement with the Network and WP&A-Adult News, right from its infancy that there could be no one else better qualified then Nicole Moore, to take over the reigns as Publisher of the Liberty Networks, Inc.”

In a separate phone conversation, Nicole Moore expressed her appreciation to the team members of the Network and the Banan Entertainment Group. “I’m sure there will be many challenges ahead, and I ‘m prepared to face them head on. I am very excited to take over and run this part of the company, as well I will continuing to pursue my adult and mainstream career.”