Steve Banan on Jill Kelly Content


Source: Banan Entertainment Group

By: Steve Banan

Steve Banan

It was brought to my attention, rumors have been spreading, once again throughout the adult entertainment industry, for quite sometime now. I find myself for the last time, having to defend my honor. Jill Kelly is upset with me regarding content and material, that TheLibertyNetwork.TV holds in possession. Jason Sechrest, has levied charges against me. For selling particular Jill Kelly Production content on EBay under assumed names, that I shot on the set of Break the Chainz.

First, the material and content that I shot on the set of Break the Chainz was signed off and released to me by the production manager, with the full understanding that the content could and would be sold under a licensed propriety… This was done as part of an exchange deal between JKP and me, for the services rendered by Midori, for that particular production. If I so desired, to sell that content and material to anyone. It would have been as I see it, my legal right.

That content and material was featured for sale on the Liberty Network , in our content department only, it is under a license agreement with Media Swell to Webmasters only, for a one-time use and cannot be re-sold. Over two thousand stills, thirty second wrap-a rounds, and 10 to 15 minute streaming clips, were cut from my masters and freely given to Jenna Haze through my associates at MKMM, for her use in the launch of her new website.

I have called Jill Kelly and her new husband a good friend Cory Jordan, left several messages on their voice mail, but they have not returned my call. If Jill Kelly is indeed, upset with me and these are not just savage rumors, set upon me by Jason Sechrest, then I am sorry for Jill. I have always believed, if you want the answers, then go to the head not the foot.


One hour ago, I received a phone call from Jill Kelly, we spoke in great length. Ms. Kelly told me that she was not aware of any deals that were made between the production manager, the two directors, and me. She acknowledges the fact, things like this have happen in the past. JKP has put into affect new policy regarding Behind the Scenes shooting. In this case, that would have not made a difference, because I was made to believe that Jill Kelly was well aware and approved it. She told me that only three signatures would ever release content, hers, Bob Friedland and their attorney.

Well you know something, that is the way it should be. In this case, it was not. However, out of respect for Jill Kelly and even though my company stands to loose a lot, we will stop cutting and selling that content. I have drafted a letter to Media Swell, asking them to do the same. I am prepared to sit down and discuss this with Jill Kelly and I am sure, that an arrangement will be made between Jill Kelly and me, to secure the masters and the rest of the content readily available.

Now for a good thing: I have decided to relinquish some of my holdings in websites and other media, in order for me to accept an executive position with Dream Works Skg. However, I will still own and operate the Python News Service, the Liberty Network, Banan’s World PR, and will remain part owner of WP&A-Adult News and S & S Pro Talent Management

There are positions available for the right person at DreamWorks Skg. If you would like to apply for employment, visit the employment section of the DreamWorks Skg website.

Thank you

Steve Banan