Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Robert Lombard

I seemingly had it all. As the owner of Creative Image Management and Casting, I had a stable full of B-Movie beauties who were suddenly in huge demand as the market for the R-rated late night shows exploded. Unfortunately, as the genre blossomed, the actresses that paved the way became over-used, saturating the airwaves with their sexy attitudes and dangerous curves. To make matters worse, new faces were hard to come by.
Talented performers willing to bare all for their art were few and far between. But I am a man never at a loss for new ideas… and I hit upon a doozie! I decided to introduce Adult Stars into the genre. My thinking was two-fold: An abundance of talent for late night cable, plus a chance for the Adult Stars to get additional exposure in this highly popular market.
It all seemed simple enough. Everyone gets what they want. However, cable companies balked at the idea! Late night producers and directors were turned off by the thought of using Hard-Core performers in their projects. No one would let me cast this willing and able group of talented individuals! As unexpected as this attitude was, I refused to give up on what I knew was a maverick and lucrative idea for all parties involved. Bowed but not beaten, I continued to fight the good fight. Cutting through the apathy and cynicism, I slowly made inroads and acceptance within the industry. My gratitude goes to Mrg Entertainment/Mainline Releasing for the initial acceptance of this awesome group of talent.
Today now also being the exclusive Director of Talent and Marketing for a new adult company, Digital G. I can continue paying back this awesome group of Adult Stars for their acceptance of my efforts and above all their loyalty by offering them adult work at better than average scene rates along with continuing packaging them into the growing R rated late night cable market for Mainline Releasing… A double threat to fight the cynics!
Yes there are still frequent skirmishes with cynics and naysayers. Especially with a couple of companies and individuals I refuse to work with who now try and do everything in their power to get these cross-overed and accepted Adult Stars. Never ever admitting to this group their true feelings and how they still look down and talk horribly about this wonderful group of talent. But overall My idea to bring this powerful group of Adult Stars onto late night cable has been accepted and even applauded. Along the way, there have been moments of sadness and fierce anger, but the journey has also been filled with many happy experiences and I have formed numerous lasting relationships that have grown into love and respect.
Ask me now if I am happy about winning the war and I will tell you that the war is not over, but I am definitely proud of all the hard-fought battles won. And the back stabbing cynics who now want this group of talent for their late night cable programs will never win the war! And sooner or later their covers will be pulled! Their true personalities, behavior and sneaky lying tactics will find them on the unemployment lines and not at some major film studio, television network or cable network as where they really would like to be and think they should be. What a @#*~ing joke they are!
This is My career and business! I will stay here and fight the daily war because this is what I do and want to do for a living! I am proud to admit it!
And finally…
Thanks to All the wonderful Adult Stars who have entered My life over these past few years as well as All the others who have been truly supportive of My quest.
You all know who you are!