Kathy Willets Tells the True Story of Sex Survivor 2000


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Kathy Willets

Kathy Willets

Here is the Sex Survivor story courtesy of Kathy Willets who originally wrote it for Adult Stars Magazine. More from Kathy will be coming soon.

South Florida’s Naughty Nymph

By Kathy Willets

Hi once again to all of you who support ASM. This month I was going to explain to you all how out of control I’ve become, I will, but not now. I feel that I owe you all an explanation as to what happened on “Sex Survivor 2000”. This is going to be difficult to write, but you should all know that I tell it like it is.

All of the talent arrived at the hotel on 11-10 to be tested by AIM Healthcare. Sharon Mitchell is just a great person, and AIM is the best! After testing and a meal, we went over the rules again with the Executive Producer, and had our questions answered. At this time, we were supposed to be sequestered in the hotel until Saturday morning when we would be taken to the mansion. Well, the first rule was broken when we were told to “Go out and have fun”. Hopefully the germ pool didn’t get contaminated, as some talent stayed out all night. Maybe they just stayed out to see the sunrise (HA)!

We all arrived at the mansion on Saturday afternoon to find absolutely nothing complete. It was complete insanity, the house wasn’t ready for us to settle in. The cameras and wiring were not ready and there were only 3 bedrooms to sleep in. People started to fight over which room they would sleep in, who got the bed, etc. Most talent slept on couches or on the floor with inflatable mattresses. It wasn’t the Ritz, but that was ok with most of us.

Things started out pretty good, with several people going at it on a pool table. We were all excited and getting hot & horny; especially me; I’ve been so out of control that I couldn’t wait for the contest to begin. I had some really funny things planned for the week. I was going to shoot paint out of my ass and pussy onto poster boards. I had several different gang bangs planned for the week, and of course a “Bukkake”!! As the hours passed, and the talent started to talk about the legitimacy of the contest, we all had doubts.

On Sunday morning, the “Production Crew” arrived and it was very apparent that this “online” contest had turned into a huge “movie production”. As I sat there, I could feel all of the energy and excitement just flow right out of the house! The production crew started to give orders to the talent as to what they wanted from us. When some of the talent questioned the Executive Producer, Michael Garfield, asking what if we didn’t do something we were told, would we be disqualified and loose our salary of $7000. So the rules were being changed again!! I must admit that the talent acted professionally and tried to smile, laugh and give good scenes. We all hoped that this was still a legit contest, with online people voting us off.

As Monday morning came around, and the talent who had red lights flashing next to their picture, were not voted off, things started going south. Of course, one rule was no drugs or alcohol, however, the Executive Producer produced gallons of liquor and the on-site doctor, who had good intentions, was handing out Viagra, Valium, sleeping pills, and pain pills like they were M & M’s.

The Executive Producer wanted people to start to pick up the pace, and to create more tension. So Monday night was like The Twilight Zone. I had busted my ass and pussy all day Monday, along with Dru Berrymore. We tried to go to sleep, fat chance! Tuesday morning, after one girl was voted off, another girl made some comments about her, which hurt her feelings, but this is what “they” wanted. Fifteen minutes later, she goes to this girl and kicks her in the head, meaning she didn’t get paid, but did give them what “they” wanted. Pure bullshit!! I guess this wasn’t enough, as the Executive Producer on Tuesday Night had a meeting and said things have to pick up, no holds barred, no rules, do what you want, stay up all night, suck, fuck, drink and maybe you won’t be voted off.

The young and the stupid were “off the radar”, breaking glass, throwing food and pissing in garbage cans. So come Wednesday morning, talent is fighting because some people got no sleep. But of course, the production people ate this up.

The Executive Producer started to change the rules as he went according to whether he would benefit from the charge. The talent, at this point, all began the thinking process that we were being fucked in more ways than one. None of the talent believed that this was a true, legitimate contest. None of us believed we were actually being voted off by the on-line viewers, or that there were any funds available for those lucky winners.

If you thought things were out of control by now, on Wednesday night, around 11:00 p.m., me, Drew, Selina and Teri Weigel were asleep in our room, trying to get some ret for the nest day of shooting, and Michael Garfield came into our room, drunk, calling out my name. When I answered him, he asked me to get my nun outfit and join him downstairs for a confessional booth confession. He was dressed up like a priest and we were supposed to confess our sins. I told him that he was confused and it wasn’t me who had the nun outfit, it was Teri Weigel. He then proceeded to ask me if she was in the room. I relied “No”. I knew Teri was asleep and tired. He said “Oh” and closed our door and we all went back to sleep. About an hour later, Michael returned, calling out Teri’s name. When she answered, he went over to where she was sleeping and told her not to get up. He proceeded to climb up on the bed, right on top of Teri and they began to kiss. I almost shit my pants! I sat up for a minute because I could not believe that Teri could continue getting hot & heavy with the Executive Producer right in front of all of us in that room. They were making enough noise to wake the dead. Also sleeping in the same bed was a girl named Salena. They continued to go at it for at least ten minutes until they were interrupted by yet another girl named Raquel, who came into our room to go to sleep. It was getting crowded in there, Michael and Teri stopped. Michael cleaned up in our bathroom. Teri went downstairs for coffee. Needless to say, Salena, who was in the bed with Teri, jumped up and screamed “Do you fucking believe this?” She ran over to my bed and we just laid there in complete shock. “Teri” fucking the Executive Producer of a million-dollar contest that none of us believe is legit!

The sad part of this whole situation is that Teri decided to go downstairs, where there was a lot of talent hanging around, go into the confessional booth in front of the on-line viewers and fuck Michael Garfield for the internet viewers, as well as all of the other talent who were witnesses. Now we’ve got a contest where Teri Weigel’s name has been marked for dismissal since Monday, and she fucking the Executive Producer. Now we all know that the contest is fixed! More importantly is the fact that by Teri fucking Garfield, who hadn’t been tested, if she stayed in the contest, she would expose all of us to danger. We had a meeting at 2 a.m. on Thursday and the consensus was either Teri had to quit, or we would let her fake it until Garfield’s tests came back clean. Well Teri just went ballistic. First she admitted that she fucked him twice, and then blamed me for not stopping it. Then she was raped, then nothing happened, then she only fucked him once, but it was for the show! Then it ended up that it was only “heavy petting”. Most of the talent wanted to be assured that if she admitted what she did and didn’t win the $350,000, she could stay.

Well, Teri just got more out of control. She acted and looked as if she should have been put in a straight jacket! She got into everybody’s face and told us all to fuck off, that she was there to fuck anything and anybody, dead or alive! On top of this, Axel Hose tells us that Garfield tried to get in bed with him and told him there was no prize money! We tried to work things out like professionals and go on with the project. However, Teri wouldn’t budge and the girls just didn’t trust her or Garfield. We all voted on Thursday morning to kick Teri out. 11 to 8 was the vote, Teri didn’t vote. I also left on Thursday, along with Axel. The contest was a sham. People then were asking to leave on Friday and Saturday, what a shame!

It had potential, if it would have been a true contest. The production people would have had better scenes with more sex, real good, crazy stuff. As always, we live and learn! Good-bye for now, next month I will write more on the contest.

Kathy Willets

Florida’s Naughty Nymph

If you are in Las Vegas, and want the best one on one session, call my service at (702) 525-3087.

Fan Club:

Hot Pink Lips, Inc.

1129 Devon Downs Avenue

Henderson, NV 89015


Kathy will be in New York City from 12-11-00 through 12-19-00. For further information, go to www.nyc-girls.com, or www.exotica-2000.com.