Victims of Pornography Rant


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Alexander the Poet

Alexander the Poet

(EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ) — Upon finishing reading an interesting article on about a website that claims watching pornography, victimizes people ,, I have been inspired to comment on the matter and debate it. The following is an email which I sent to the organization, which outlines the arguments that the website makes, and my rebuttal of them.

To Whom it May Concern:

Hi. I checked out your site and I must say, I need to disagree with a few of your stances. So right now I shall begin to comment on each stance you made which is outlined on your homepage.

Who are the Victims of Pornography?

1. Boys and girls that have lost their innocence by viewing pornography at an early age.

ATP: There are little boys and girls losing their “innocence” in houses of worship and in Iraq and other 3rd world countries, and you feel that seeing a pair of boobies will harm them and ruin them? Wake up and see the world around you. And if boys and girls do watch porn, then it’s the parents’ responsibility, not the adult industry’s, to prevent it from happening. If you paid any attention, there is a disclaimer that says “For Mature Audiences Only” on every porn product.

2. Wives of men preoccupied with pornography and the sex industry.

ATP: Ok. How are they victimized? Please clarify this for me.

3. Women who are being treated with disrespect and sexually abused.

ATP: Don’t blame porn on that my friend. Blame generations after generations of countries where women are generally treated as inferior. Example: Japan, Iraq.

4. Young women trapped in an industry that exploits them and uses them as mere sex objects.

ATP: Newsflash for you. Women in porn are in porn of their own will. No one forces them to be. And believe it or not, porn empowers women, not weakens them.

5. Children used for the sexual satisfaction of fathers, stepfathers, and men they trusted.

ATP: Once again, this is a mental disorder on the part of adults who need counseling. Porn plays no part in this. And must I remind you, these days, priests are using children for sexual pleasure, not porn producers, directors, etc.

6. Young men exposed to a false image of sexuality.

ATP: Once again, this is a generational epidemic. Their fathers grew up thinking that women were just there to have sex with. It’s a cultural thing. Porn has no bearing on it. You can watch any non-porn movie these days and see sex. It’s a natural instinct to want to have sex with women. But most men realize it’s not the only reason women exist. And by the way, women from Brazil seem to have no problem being sex objects, in fact, they welcome it. It’s how the culture is there.

7. Men who just can’t stop using pornography or stimulating themselves while recalling those images.

ATP: Excuse me but what is wrong with that??? That is a natural thing for crying out loud! Any doctor can testify to it! It is Ok and Natural To Masturbate!

8. A society that has become desensitized and dependent upon sex-charged images.

ATP: Hey, this is America and sex sells. It’s all about capitalism here. But there are many programs on the air today that don’t have sexual overtones. Don’t make it seem that bad. Porn isn’t responsible for this. Television networks who monitor what people watch, are. So if you need to complain to someone, complain to Ted Turner, and not Ron Jeremy!

9. Neighbors that have increased crime and decreased property values because of the proliferation of pornography in their communities.

ATP: What are you talking about? The only person in my community that I know that watches porn, is me! There is no proliferation of pornography in my community! I don’t see the ice cream man drive by and yell “Ice cream, yogurt, anal videos”. There are a few adult shops in my area but they are aimed at grown adults, not children, and they do have business licenses to operate there. They aren’t breaking any laws. If crime happens, it happens because people have issues, not because they saw a Jenna Jameson video.

With that said, I look forward to hearing a response from you, regarding my arguments with your stances. I would appreciate a reply since I put so much time and effort into this and I feel the need to have to defend myself because I’ve been watching porn for over 12 years and I have never got an urge to beat up women as a result of it or rape them. FYI: I’m a 27 yr old virgin.

Thank you,

Alexander the Poet

It will be interesting to see if they respond.