Missing Porn Star – Ask Antonia Anything


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Antonia

Missing Porn Star

Greetings once again my Hot’n’Horney readers. It is I, the Master-Debater ready to answer your questions about the Industry. First, let me apologize for my long absence from this virtual fish wrap. However, I have been busy investigating an insidious and challenging mystery that has been permeating our beloved business: No, it is not the Ruby Tuesday trail, nor for that matter is it the Seymour Butts trail. No, I have not revealed the identity of the real “Deep Throat” (everyone knows it’s Alexander Haig). No, my libidinous lovelies, I am talking about the Mystery of the Missing Porn Star! Yes, this guy is about as elusive as Chandra Levy is (until a few weeks ago). It all began with an innocent email from one of you wonderful little people in the dark:

Jessie (redacted)@Yahoo.com wrote:

To: Antonia@AINews.com

Hello Antonia: I’ve been looking for certain gay male porn Star. I have pix of him attached. I was in a site a While back, saw him, saved the picture, but it had no Name. I would like to know who he is, if he has a web site. If you recognize him in the picture, I would appreciate any information you can give me.

Thank you so much,


Jessie my boy, never let it be said that I never go the extra mile to get a story. Because in this case, I went an extra two. I searched every site, called my friends Angel and Larry at the Legendary Tom Kat Theatre (where my cat Curly is a regular). Alas, it was all in vain. I was unable to identify the mystery man. Therefore I am making an appeal to all my Hot’n’Horney readers out there. Anyone knowing anything regarding the identity of this muscle head is to contact this paper immediately. All information will be processed confidentially. If they were able to find Chandra Levy, this should be a no-brainer. By the way I would like to thank my editor (the stud-muffin Mr. Steve Nelson) for the cool artwork.

My next question is from someone who obviously is a nasty boy!

Adam (redacted)@earthlink.net wrote the following:

Dear Antonia:

The other night I saw a porn star named Mila Nasty on the Howard Stern Show. Unfortunately, the censors bleeped out most of her dialogue when she described her talents. Do you know anything about her? Does she have a web site?

Sorry Adam I wasn’t paying attention because I had to duck to avoid the trajectory path of a projectile emerging from Ms. Nasty’s prolific pudenda. To find out more about Russia’s answer to “glasnost” visit her site at: MilaNasty.com and remember to duck and cover!

Now let’s praise older women:

Kenny (redacted)@juno.com wrote:

Hey Antonia,

I’m a big fan of older women and was wondering why the major production companies don’t feature more of those sexy mature beauties.

Hey Kenny, seems like this is your lucky day! I personally spoke with my good buddy Brad Armstrong of Wicked pictures. He told me to tell you to check out “The Maddam’s Family” With the immortal Ona Zee. Enjoy!

I hope Metallica isn’t reading this next part:

Don (redacted)@aol.com wrote:

To: Antonia@AINews.com

Hey Antonia:

I have a private collection of X-rated movies I have taken with various beautiful women. I would like to know if you know of a site where I could go to do some swapping. These are Great movies.


Don, I suggest you check out Free-Porn-Passes.com. This site claims to be the “Napster” of porn. You will not be disappointed. I also recommend you read the next questions carefully.

Question One:

Dear Antonia, How can I start an adult film production company, in Florida?

Question Two:

Dear Antonia, I would like to start a film company but need legal advice on how to do it. Can you help me?

Unfortunately the answer is “No” to both. There are no adult film companies in Florida nor can I give out legal advice. However, if you want to start a company in Florida or Timbuktu, I suggest you visit Nolo.com. This is a great site that offers legal advice and even has a special section regarding the Adult Industry. After you access the site click on “Ask Auntie Nolo”. Yes, that’s the Fourth Estate’s answer to “Ask Antonia Anything”.

Okay Guys, I’m signing off now. But keep those sexxy letters and questions cumming! Enjoy the summer.

With Love,
