Former Manager Names Additional Celebs in Gold Club Testimony


Source: Independent for AINews

By: Rick C. Limpert

(ATLANTA, GA) — Tabloid testimony resumed Monday at the trial of Atlanta strip club, the Gold Club and its owner, Steven Kaplan.

Former manager George Kontos was on the stand to describe events in 1995 and 1996. His testimony included the mention again of NBA player John Starks receiving sexual favors, but a minor bombshell was dropped with mention of some new names. These names included Stephen Baldwin, who spent time in Atlanta filming the movie, "Fled". Kontos said Baldwin refused any free drinks because he didn’t drink, but said he wouldn’t mind some oral sex. Kontos said it was he who blocked the door when sexual activity between Baldwin and a dancer went on.

The testimony wasn’t limited to men, though. Madonna once visited the club, and left with a dancer at her request. Madonna’s spokesperson had no comment, but Kontos said Madonna approached him about leaving the club with a dancer named "Baby". Kontos said no money exchanged hands, and he didn’t know what happened next.

About Rick C. Limpert:

Rick C. Limpert is the owner of SBC Photography ( in Atlanta, and the Spring Break Girls website ( He is giving ongoing coverage of the Gold Club trial for He can be reached through his website for additional information or interviews.