Student Accused of Creating Porn Web Site


Source: Reuters


(NEW DELHI) — A high school student has been arrested in New Delhi on accusations of creating a pornographic Web site after the father of a fellow student filed a complaint, police said on Friday.

Media reports said it was the first case in India involving alleged publication of obscene material on a Web site.

Police deputy commissioner M.J. Upadhye told Reuters that the boy was arrested under the section of India’s new Information Technology Act banning publication of obscene material in electronic form.

The boy has been remanded in juvenile custody.

The police officer alleged that the Web site contained ”lewd” material but did not elaborate. The site has been blocked, he said.

Newspaper reports alleged that the site contained sexual references to students at the boy’s school.

The Press Trust of India reported that it was the second major cyber crime case to be filed under the technology act which was passed late last year.

The first case involved hacking a Web site, it said.