Love Lines Turns to Porno on Internet


Source: Love Lines Crisis Center

By: Company Press Release

(MINNEAPOLIS, MN) — The Love Lines Crisis Center, a Minneapolis-based Christian, non-denominational crisis counseling center founded in 1972, recently announced its new outreach program to address wide-spread use of pornography on the Internet.

According to Dan Morstad, Director and co-founder of Love Lines, the goal of his new outreach program is to set people free from sexual addictions they develop over the Internet. He believes that much of the influence leading to sexual addictions comes from explicit materials found on the Internet. In a recent interview, Dr. Mark Laaser, Director of Eden Prairie-based Faithful & True Ministries, said that, “Sexual addictions are so pervasive in today’s society that 1 in 7 pastors are sexually addicted and 25% of church congregations are affected.”

Morstad’s approach to the resolution of the problem will be to offer those addicted a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ, peer support, and referrals to churches. He noted that Love Lines has recently established a new web site dealing with the pornography problem at . It mimics an actual pornography site without the sexual content. Web page information is subtly spun to serve the purposes of Love Lines. Specific goals of the site are set to help sexually addicted people:

Get online help

Obtain referrals for help from other appropriate sources

Receive follow-up counseling

Love Lines is planning to partner with six major search engines on the Internet to take people from an actual porno site to the Love Lines site through the use of banner ads.

Love Lines seeks to counsel those facing life’s critical problems such as chemical addictions, abuse, marital/divorce relationship problems, cults, depression, or those wanting a deeper relationship with God and teachings of the Bible. It is networked with 300 civic and social agencies and 200 churches nationwide.

People calling the Love Lines Crisis Center seeking help are connected with more than 141 volunteer Christian prayer counselors who are trained to listen to and encourage callers with problems of a hurting community, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Prayer counselors are Christians from a wide range of ages and backgrounds.

Ongoing help from or referrals to social service agencies are offered for a variety of support needs. Callers can reach Love Lines at 612-379-1199.