Planned Parenthood Launches New Web Site in Honor of Roe vs. Wade Anniversary


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Planned Parenthood

January 22nd marks the 28th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion nationwide. Planned Parenthood will commemorate the day by launching a new pro-choice web site

This new website will provide information and tools necessary to hundreds of thousands of nationwide activists to defeat the nomination of John Ashcroft. With, Planned Parenthood is putting President-elect Bush on notice that activist and supporters will protect Roe vs. Wade at every turn.

Call Planned Parenthood today for more information or a tour of the new website! Call 1-800-239-PLAN and be connected to the closest Planned Parenthood center to you. "Nobody knows bodies like Planned Parenthood knows bodies!"