Naked News Celebrates First Anniversary


Source: Naked News

By: Company Press Release

(TORONTO) — Naked News celebrates its first anniversary this December, and announces that its “news in the nude” Webcast attracts 4 million viewers monthly to its Web site.

Naked News is the first “traditional news format” program to be done in the nude, and went live with its first Webcast in December 1999. Naked News and its intellectual property is the creation of eGalaxy Inc.

Naked News is produced weekday mornings, digitized for the Web, and posted for viewing late afternoons, Monday through Friday. It is free to online viewers, who can watch the news of the day or archived programs, whenever it is convenient for them. Naked News is both informative and entertaining.

A team of four women report on Business, International, Entertainment, Sports and Weather news, and have the freedom to offer editorial comment that is uncensored and uninhibited, ranging from the deeply profound to the utterly inane.

The team includes Victoria Sinclair (lead anchor), Carmen Russo (business and sports), Diane Foster (weather and general news), and Holly Weston (entertainment and sports).

“The Naked News attributes much of its success to a word-of-mouth and e-mail campaign that began a year ago on college campuses across North America,” explained Victoria Sinclair, “and it has since taken off like a wild fire. We’ve gone from attracting a predominantly male audience to one of male and female viewers, ranging from ages 18-99 and coming from all walks of life. It’s incredible. I’m proud to be part of this phenomenon.”

“As the Naked News continues to grow on the Internet,” stated Elliott Shulman, Naked News writer/director/producer, “we will seek to find a similar home in cable television. In this electronic age, the Naked News has become both a symbol of the freedom of expression and a product of its time.”

About Naked News

Naked News ( is an Internet news delivery program based in Toronto. Development of Naked News began in May, 1999, and the first Webcast went live in December, 1999. Naked Broadcasting Network Inc. is responsible for daily news production and eGalaxy Multimedia, Inc. is responsible for marketing and overall management.