The New Spankie Site Delivers a Healthy and Humorous Look at Sexuality



By: Company Press Release

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA) —, a fun and informative e-commerce site focused on healthy sexuality, will officially launch on October 24. The site offers sex information and advice with a twist, and addresses subjects that are often difficult to talk about with wit and openness.

“Spankie is the first site to treat sex in a humorous and open manner,” said CEO and founder Chad Lewis. “Sex is a taboo topic in this country, and look where it has gotten us — the U.S has the highest teen pregnancy rate and the highest incidence of sexually transmitted diseases of any industrialized country. We think one solution to the problem is to break down the barriers that prevent people from communicating openly and honestly about sex. We aim to make sex education entertaining, fun and exciting, while still being informative.”

It all started with The Original Spankie. The original site was dedicated to the sale of The Spankie, a unique sock-like product that makes male masturbation less of a mess. It generated attention from all over the world.

“When people first applauded our open and funny approach to masturbation with The Spankie, we had no idea how little sex information was out there for young adults,” said Lewis. “It was all boring sex education or health information presented in a sterile format, and who wants to read that? So we decided to create something better.”

While the site still sells The Spankie, it has completely changed in direction (it’s co-ed now), scale (it’s much, much bigger) and focus (there’s an important message behind the madness now).

Spankie answers questions about subjects that people have always wanted to know about, but were too embarrassed to ask. Features of the site include:

— Him & Her — A look at both sides of a question from male and female viewpoints;

— The Panel — A therapist, a doctor, a girl and a guy and a "special guest" all answer visitors’ craziest questions;

— Spankie Quizzes — Visitors can check out their sexual knowledge (and therefore prowess?) by answering questions such as, "Who is the G-spot named after, and where would you find it?";

— The Library — Everything visitors want to know about sex and health and then some;

— Reviews — Real people review real sexual products;

— The Store — Sexual products for a healthy sex life, including condoms, lubricants, massage oils, "power tools" and more; and

— Busted — A collection of visitors’ most embarrassing sex stories.

Visitors also can sign up for a free Spankie newsletter, enter contests to win cash and Spankie prizes, chat in “The Cooler” and post messages on “The Spank Tank.”

It may disappoint a few that there are no nudie pictures on the Spankie site. But porn is not hard to come by on the Web; what is hard to find on the Web or anywhere else is what Spankie offers — an interesting, informative and fun spin on sexuality. “We have made it our crusade to make the sex lives of people everywhere healthier and happier,” said Lewis. “I mean think about it — a world with better sex is a world with less violence, fewer work stoppages and overall, a better place to live.”


Based in San Francisco, is a close knit group of folks working for take-out food trying to improve the sex lives of thousands, even millions. Founded by CEO and President Chad Lewis and owned by Wahabu Inc., the original site was established in 1998. The new and improved version, which took many, many long and hard hours and server re-boots to produce, will launch on October 24, 2000.