Rick Rockwell Says He Was Assaulted


Source: AP


Darva and Rick

(GRAND FORKS, ND) — The “Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire” groom says he was assaulted early Sunday by a fan who hurt his toe.

Rick Rockwell said a fan who stopped to chat with him late Saturday after his comedy show at a local nightclub followed him back to his motel room. The two scuffled after the fan looked in his window, Rockwell said, and the man stepped on his toe and took off a toenail.

Authorities are investigating the incident as an assault and have a suspect, police Sgt. Kevin Kallinen said.

Rockwell gained fame by marrying Darva Conger on the Fox TV special “Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire” in February.

The show quickly turned into a fiasco when Conger, who posed nude in Playboy’s August issue, filed to end the marriage days after the two returned from a Caribbean honeymoon. Rockwell’s status as a multimillionaire also was questioned just days after the broadcast, and it was disclosed that a former fiancee obtained a restraining order against Rockwell in 1991 for allegedly hitting and threatening her. Rockwell denies the allegations.