Pinwheel Entertainment Inc. gears up for the launch of their new B2B site this summer


Source: Pinwheel Entertainment Inc.

By: Steve Parra

(TUCSON, AZ) — From 0 to 30,000 in 40 days – How do you get 30,000 users to visit your website in just forty days with no marketing and a website that is not even finished? “Well”, says Gordon Hayes, CEO of Pinwheel Entertainment, Inc. “You help people.”

Pinwheel is building one of the most comprehensive adult industry business to business portals on the net, and has partnered itself with many established businesses in the industry. “We approach potential clients with an open mind and with the desire to help them succeed” states Gordon.

Because of their open minded and professional approach, people have been spreading word of mouth advertising about the website and they have seen a large jump in their sites visitor count. People are now getting interested and contacting them. “They are unique in the fact that they have combined an online modeling agency, a content provider business and a one stop adult industry resource portal into one website and best of all, they do all this for free.

With the models being at the core of their business they are quickly developing into a one stop megasite.” Says Tricia Wilds a Pinwheel model ( Gordon says, “It’s simple really, when you are out there every day helping people in the industry succeed, whether it is getting a model a paid job, or referring customers to someones internet site, or even just being available to help someone get started in the business by making new contacts, our company is there to help, how many of our competitors can say that?”

Gordon has a point, visitors to the Pinwheel site have been growing exponentially. “We have big plans for the future, many things are in the works, we are very excited about our short term success. Right now, we are playing catch up with the pace of our growth, and we will probably be doing that for a while to come.”