Americans for Truth About Homosexuality Exposes Anti-Dr. Laura Group GLAAD


Source: Americans for Truth About Homosexuality

By: Company Press Release

(WASHINGTON) — Americans for Truth President Peter LaBarbera denounced the gay activist group GLAAD – which accuses talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger of endangering children – for participating in a radical “Female-to-Male” “Transgender” conference that gave lessons on sadistic sex and promoted breast removal “surgery” for girls wanting to become “boyz.”

Cathy Renna, spokesman for GLAAD – which is leading the homosexual activist campaign against Schlessinger – led two media-oriented workshops at the “True Spirit 2000 Conference” held in Alexandria, Virginia February 18-20. Renna manned an information booth for GLAAD at the event. Another pro-homosexual advocacy group, PFLAG (Parents, Friends and Family of Lesbians and Gays), also had an information table at the conference.

GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, and other homosexual groups have blasted Dr. Laura for calling homosexual behavior “deviant” and “destructive.” GLAAD compares Christian pro-family groups to Nazi-like extremists and racists who are far from the mainstream.

GLAAD publicized the “True Spirit” conference, which included two sessions on “Chest Surgery” for FTMs (“female to males”) and a pornographic “Discussion about Sex and the Erotic for FTMs [Females-to-Males], Transmen, and Butches.” There were three panels for youth, according to a conference program, which described the workshop “SM201: Advanced Training” as discussing:

“… singletail whipping, sensory deprivation, immobilizing bondage, edge play, piercing, cutting (of human flesh, a sadistic practice), branding (human beings, like cattle), bloodsports (bloody SM acts), consensual-non- consensuality, and much more.”

“It’s no wonder that GLAAD wants to silence Dr. Laura. She’s one of the few major media leaders who tells the truth about their radical agenda – which includes ‘transgender’ programs like this that prey on vulnerable, confused kids,” said LaBarbera, who was present at the conference and obtained a program for the event. Americans for Truth will place the entire “True Spirit” conference program online at in a downloadable format.

“Homosexual activists smear Dr. Laura as an extremist – even saying she harms ‘gay’ kids — when she is only defending traditional morality,” LaBarbera said. “But when you strip away the veneer from homosexual activism, you find a world of almost unimaginable perversity. What could be more harmful to kids than encouraging girls to mutilate their natural bodies to assume a male identity?”

Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) is dedicated to opposing the homosexual activist movement. Web site: Phone: 703-739-9100. E-mail: Address: Americans for Truth, P.O. Box 45252, Washington, DC 20026-5252.