
Out, Out, Dread Vice Cops: Shakespeare-spouting strippers test nude dancing ban

Source: Court TV By: Harriet Ryan Court TV - Maggie Morgan debuted as a Shakespearean actress in conditions that were less than ideal. She performed naked. The "theater" was a strip club. The sound system was broken, the lighting was dim...

Nudist Beach Lawsuit Nearing End

Source: AP AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - For Robert Morton III, childhood wasn't the same without the family trips to the nude beach called Hippie Hollow Park. Bob and Christine Morton often visited the park with their three children before Travis...

Private Media Group Inc. Flagship Wins International Award in Germany.

Source: PRNewswire By: Company Press Release (BARCELONA, SPAIN) -- Private Media Group Inc. (Nasdaq: PRVT - news), a leader in high-class adult entertainment products and services since 1965 and the first such company trading on the Nasdaq National Market, today announced...

Nude Dancing Takes Center Stage

Source: Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nude dancing took center stage as the U.S. Supreme Court had a new look at whether the Constitution's protection of free speech covers erotic expressive entertainment performed without any clothes. An establishment called Kandyland is challenging...

Audit Clears Sex Center of Wrongdoing

Source: Free X-press By: Kat Sunlove (NORTHRIDGE, CA) --A legislative audit of Cal State Northridge's Center for Sex Research released this week found nothing improper in its staging of a 1998 pornography conference, but suggested the university establish clearer guidelines for...

Officials Ogling Topless Law

Source: FreeSpeech X-press By: Kat Sunlove (ARIZONA) -- Issues such as how close dancers should be to patrons, or what kind of touching should be allowed in adult nightclubs are giving fits to state investigators trying to enforce Arizona's vague laws,...

Supreme Court Ponders Nude Dancing

Source: Free Speech X-press By: Kat Sunlove (WASHINGTON, DC) -- The Supreme Court toured the far reaches of free-speech law Wednesday as it pondered the degree to which nude dancing is protected by the Constitution. "Nude entertainment has become a significant staple...


Source: Free Speech X-press By: Kat Sunlove (LATHRUP VILLAGE, MI) -- Lover's Lane & Co. officials say their videos explain sex, not exploit it. But city leaders disagree and want to hold a public hearing for residents to determine whether the...

Jail Warden Voyeur Falls to Death

Source: Reuters MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican jail warden fell to his death while spying on couples during their conjugal visits, crashing down next to a Nicaraguan prisoner and his wife having sex, local media reported on Tuesday. Raul Zarate...

FEATURE/Give Safer Sex for the Holidays

Source: BUSINESS WIRE FEATURES LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE FEATURES)--Nov. 10, 1999--``If it takes a Weenie Baby to help someone be prepared in a sexual encounter, why not?'' says Cherie Magnus, the owner and founder of vive la difference! Safer Sex Choices...

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