After Porn Ends Event


Source: Oxymoron Entertainment through Bill Margold

By: Company Press Release

As mentioned previously, we are hosting an event called "Porn Stars for Puppies (and Cats, too!)" This event will be held on June 3, at Tailwaggers in Hollywood from 1-4 p.m.

If you are able to attend we would love to have you there, however if you are unable we encourage you to blog/retweet about the event. Your continued support with this project is appreciated and because of you we are still going strong as the #1 documentary on iTunes.

Below are details concerning the event: news/Porn_Stars_for_Puppies_and_Cats_too .html

If you have any questions or need to speak with anyone, please reach out to:

Chrissy Sutphin

Luck Media & Marketing, Inc.

P: (818) 232-4175


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Thank you,

Larry Chavana

Marketing Director

A Mallick Media Company

Oxymoron Entertainment®