Dr. Susan Block Gives “State of the Sexual Union” Address 2023


March 9, 2022, LOS ANGELES—Back by popular demand after her 2021 and 2022 “State of the Sexual Union” (SOTSU) addresses, world-renowned sexologist Dr. Susan Block, aka Dr. Suzy, returned to Active Radio with host Hartley Pleshaw on WCAP-AM 980 in the Massachusetts Valley on 2/25/23 to deliver a new SOTSU address for 2023.

Click here to listen to Dr. Suzy’s 2023 State of the Sexual Union address on WCAP-AM 980

“We had Joe Biden’s State of the Union last week. We had Vladimir Putin’s address. Well, those were just amateurs,” opined Hartley Pleshaw by way of introduction. “Today you’re going to get what we consider to be the most important state of the union – State of the Sexual Union, I should say – address of 2023, the one and only Dr. Susan Block… sexologist supreme.”

The two then discussed a variety of topics within the “meeting ground of sex, politics and culture which” Pleshaw says, “I believe [Dr. Susan Block] covers and handles better than anyone in the present contemporary scene.”

At the climax of the show, Block delivered the heart of her 2023 SOTSU address, her “I Have a Fantasy” speech, inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King’s 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech, updated for 2023.

Some of the subjects discussed include:

· War: Right after Block’s 2022 SOTSU address, Russia bombed Ukraine, and now America and most of Europe are at war with Russia, putting much of the world on a warpath which is the opposite of the Bonobo Way, the path of peace through pleasure. She responded with “Make Kink Not War” at her Yale Reunion, DomCon and on FDR, one of her key “fantasies” being to replace the Capitalocene, which values war for profit, with the Bonobocene, valuing female empowerment, male well-being, sharing resources, good sex and peace through pleasure.

· Censorship by Bot: The “Artificial Intelligence” (AI)—or as Block calls it, “Artificial Ignorance”—that terminated The Dr. Susan Block Show channel on YouTube, and her remarkably effective “Block Curse” on YouTube CEO and Censor-in-Chief Susan Wojcicki who subsequently resigned. Nevertheless, she says that Free Speech—in terms of noncorporate sex education and political expression—is still being unfairly censored in our more and more corporate, and less and less human social media.

· Real Sex: Pleshaw dubs Block the “Official Sexologist of Active Radio” and commends her recent appearance in Vice TV’s Sex before the Internet episode 5, which explores how HBO’s Real Sex revolutionized the portrayal of sex on television.

· DeSantis: Prompted by Pleshaw’s questions about the book-burning Florida Governor’s “Don’t Say Gay” programs, coupled with his 2024 U.S. Presidential ambitions, Block delves into the fascism-lite “phony cafone” populism and sadistic personality traits of her fellow Yale grad (Class of 2001) Ron DeSantis and his personal record of torture and deception when he was a CIA lawyer stationed at Guantanamo prison as described in an interview conducted by Mike Prysner with one of DeSantis’ former prisoners.

· Trump: Pleshaw asks Block to address sexual conservatives’ support for Trump, a sexual libertine, to which she replies, “In a word, it’s hypocrisy,” then talks about how a libertine pushed through a U.S. Supreme Court of the Religious Right to rule a citizenry that’s less religious than ever.

· Drag: When Pleshaw asks Block her views on the “Republican jihad about drag queens,” she discusses the history of “drag” from prehistoric times to Shakespeare to now, and how closeted crossdressing, bisexual desires, erotophobia and shame mix with Rightwing politicians’ cynical and divisive approach to this “culture wedge” issue, creating a ridiculous yet very dangerous anti-Drag Queen/anti-trans crusade that has triggered mass shootings and other violence.

· “I Have a Fantasy”: Block delivers her latest rendition of “I Have a Fantasy,” inspired by MLK’s “I Have a Dream.”

Click here for Dr. Susan Block’s 2023 “I Have A Fantasy” wishlist as reprised on FDR.

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For information or to arrange an interview, email drsusanblock@gmail.com or call 626-461-5950.