MWA: Charmane Star, Holly Body, Alexis Amore, Shy Love


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Myles Shaffer

Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. Once again, I have absolutely nothing worth complaining about. Well, I do, but it isn’t worth complaining about publicly, so let us begin the discussion of beautiful women with all the appropriate haste!

Charmane Star

Thursday, December 15th, I started the evening off by driving to the downtown Los Angeles Spearmint Rhino to catch Charmane Star’s first show of the evening and to say hello.

Since I have already reviewed Charmane this year, I’ll try my best to be brief.

Charmane is a very sexy, pretty, young, Filipina with a great looking body. She is sweet, friendly, intelligent, and very well spoken. Also, she enjoys meeting her fans.

Charmane performs on stage so well as most of the features I have seen over the years, and most definitely better than several I’ve seen. In fact, since I haven’t seen her perform in approximately six months, I noticed a definite improvement in her performance. On this night, she performed more smoothly and with much more confidence.

Charmane is well worth the drive to a nearby club to see and meet her in person; therefore, I sincerely hope that none of my readers will ever fail to take advantage of any opportunity they may get to do so.

Charmane can be seen at:

Holly Body

After leaving the downtown Rhino, I hot-footed it down to the Rio Gentleman’s Club, in Torrance, where I met Holly Body for the first time and observed one of her shows.

Holly is a lovely lady with a very desirable body, no pun intended. She is taller than the average woman, and has long, black hair.

Holly performs so well on stage as a good number of the features I’ve seen, and definitely better than a few. Additionally, Holly’s interaction with the tip rail customers is very good. Her musical selection is good, and the nurse costume she wore for this particular show looked great on her, and even better off of her!

Ms. Body is a very friendly lady, and appears to truly enjoy meeting her fans.

If any of my readers ever get an opportunity to see Holly perform and to meet her in person, I believe they should do so. Go out to a club where she is performing, and show her some support.

Visit Holly at:

There is a lovely house dancer at the Rio called Roxy, whom I’m becoming more acquainted with each time I go to this club. On this evening, Roxy came to me to say hello and to chat for a few minutes. At one point in the conversation, she complimented me on my handlebar mustache, reached out and touched one of the bars and asked, “How do you get it hard?” Once I had stopped laughing long enough, I replied, “Mustache wax.” She then asked, ” that came out really bad, didn’t it?” I replied, “Darlin’, as beautiful as you are, who cares?”

Roxy is a very pretty young woman with a really nice looking body. If any of my readers ever find themselves inside the Rio club, locate Roxy, say hello, and buy a few dances. I have a hunch that the lady will be worth the money spent. I hope to be able to take my own advise concerning Roxy before I get too much older!

Alexis Amore

Friday evening, December 16th, I drove out to the Rialto Spearmint Rhino to spend some time with Alexis Amore, “The Peruvian Princess of Porn,” and to observe a couple of her shows. This will be the seventh time I’ve written about Alexis since the birth of this column, so I’ll try to not say too much this time around.

Alexis is a very nice, friendly, intelligent, and extremely Hot Latina lady, and she loves to meet and chat with her fans.

For the first of Alexis’ shows I observed this evening, she wore a belly-dancer sort of costume, and opened the performance with a quite appropriate musical number. Her second performance this evening was her, “Policewoman,” show. (I wish all female police officers looked so good as Alexis and wore uniforms so revealing as Alexis’ cop costume! If so, I might not mind getting tickets quite so much. Come to think of it, I’ve never had the pleasure of being pulled over by a female law officer, much less a good looking one. However, I have seen some good looking policewomen.) Alexis opens this show with, “Bad Boys,” the theme song from the, “Cops,” television show.

Alexis Amore is one of the best feature performers in the business, and her interaction with the tip rail patrons is excellent!

I highly recommend that none of my readers ever pass up an opportunity to see and meet Alexis Amore in person, even if it is only a store signing or a tradeshow. Alexis will not disappoint.

Speaking of tradeshows, I believe Alexis is planning to take part in the AVN tradeshow in Las Vegas, January 5-7.

Visit Alexis at:

Shy Love

Saturday afternoon, December 17th, I went to the City of Industry Spearmint Rhino where I was supposed to see the, “Heaven and Hell Duo. Unfortunately, Kelly Erickson was unable to be there due to a scheduling conflict. Therefore, I was only able to see Shy Love perform. Now don’t anybody get me wrong. While it was a bit of a disappointment to not be able to see, “Heaven and Hell,” in performance, it was an absolute pleasure to observe Shy Love on stage.

Having written about Shy a few times during the year, I’ll once again attempt to be brief.

Shy is a very lovely, hot, sexy, woman. She is extremely friendly, intelligent, and she has a great sense of humor. Also, she truly enjoys meeting and chatting with her fans!

Ms. Love performs very well on stage, and she just gets better every time I see her. Additionally, Shy’s interaction with the customers is excellent. In fact, during this afternoon matinee show, Shy pulled three of the tip rail patrons up onto the stage for a bit of playtime, starting with myself. Yes, I loved it, of course! Am I not a dirty old man before my time?!

I highly recommend that anybody who gets an opportunity to go to a club and see Shy Love perform and to meet her in person do so without fail.

My readers can check Shy out at:

Saturday Night

There were three more features I know performing from North Hollywood to Oxnard, and, if I had stayed closer to home, I more than likely could have seen two of them. However, due to the combination of sleep deprivation and the fact that I’m not getting any younger, coupled with having to face the decision of who to see and who not to see, I decided it would be in my best interest to stay home and rest. I do apologize to the three ladies, all of whom I have reviewed in the past. They all know I think the world of them, and that I’ll see them again the first chance I get.

I learned yesterday there will be four different features performing at the Rouge Gentlemen’s Club in Van Nuys Tuesday night, December 20th. If I can be there to observe their performances, I will write about the evening. If not, and because there will be no other features performing in Southern California for the rest of this year, I will disappear until the second week of January 2006. Oh yes, if at all possible, I will be attending Alexis Amore’s birthday party in a few days. That is something else that may be worth writing about. In the meantime, I want all of my readers to have a terrific Christmas and a fantastic and prosperous New Year!

Joyeux Noël et bon année,

Myles Shaffer