The Sunday Adult ComiXXX – Barelee Human Week 13


Source: Adult Industry News

By: George O. DeLorenzo

The Sunday Adult ComiXXX

Sundays at 9 a.m. EST Adult Industry News publishes a column by George O. DeLorenzo featuring his work as an illustrator of erotic action-adventure series.

His character models for the comics are adult stars. Linked in the box to the right this week are pages 61 through 65 of Shannon Marie Codner as… Barelee Human!

Week Thirteen… Chapters, 61-65

Barelee in the guise of Shannon Marie Codner has begun to shoot the film with Frank. It was a lay back shoot and no one, not even Barelee noticed a gunmen lurking in the shadows… The next scene had some gunfire in it. The gunmen used it to cover up the fact that Frank was his target! He takes aim and… hey! Read on!