The Latour Letter – Rape Laws Out of Control


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Miss Charlie Latour

Miss Charlie Latour

Porn and rape are frequently used in the same sentence by radical anti-sex advocates, out-of-touch women’s rights groups and politicians looking for a cheap way to score points with an easily excited public. Years ago the federal government outlawed the depiction of rape in adult movies, although, one need not look very hard to see rape scenes in mainstream movies and television.

The most vivid rape scene I can remember was on the Soprano’s where Tony’s shrink was raped in the stair tower of her office complex. The vast majority of producers and directors go out of their way to avoid even the slightest hint of forced sex in their movies.

Oh sure, there are a few who push the law, but, in general, the porn industry has been extremely compliant in this area. Our adult sex industry is sensitive to the issue of rape and for that reason I feel compelled, as an active female participant in the sex business, to respond to out-of-control rape laws.

I am a subscriber to the theory that some forced sex laws, born out of public fear, interest group sexual politics and political expedience will have a compounding negative effect on our American society. My first concern is that some of the new rape laws and the concomitant zealous sentencing by jurists will actually place women at greater risk for more heinous crimes.

When an individual receives a life sentence for rape they begin to consider the possibility of murder, since it carries the same sentence. Remember, most violent rape (I am not referring to date rape or other boutique application of rape laws) is about power, not sex. Certainly rape is a abhorrent act. I have spoken with and counseled women who have experienced rape and it is a life shattering experience, but the women survive. I simply mean, they are ALIVE. The woman is able to go on with life and, depending on her reaction to the rape, she can get help to deal with the issues. Few women, if any, would prefer death!

In a recent case a Pennsylvania judge gave a rapist 13 life sentences for raping 13 women. The women are all lived, but the next person who contemplates rape might feel that killing his victims might prevent them from testifying against him. If he is convicted of the murders his sentence would be the same as if he just raped the women and let them live. My concern is that laws promulgated at a time of raised passions, public fear and political opportunism may well sentence some women to death, in addition to rape.

The second concern I have is highlighted by the new rape law, passed by the Illinois legislature and signed by Governor Rod Blagojevich, where someone can say “no” while having sex. That’s right, in Illinois you can be banging away and if your partner says, “Stop” or “No”, you must immediately stop. This law is meant to provide sex partners the leeway to stop sexual intercourse in mid-flight. Just how is this going to be applied? I can see the cases and headlines,”Woman Consents to Sex But Demands Her Sex Partner Stop After The 13th Thrust… He Thrusts a 14th Time and is Now Convicted of Rape”.

Please, let’s get serious! This law is simply a trap, set by women who have an anti-male agenda, for every man who ever has sex with a women. (I can not imagine it ever being applied against a woman by a man). There are two people in a room, they agree to have sex, they have sex, then the woman calls the police and tells them that her partner, a partner she agreed to have sex with, raped her. There are no bruises, not evidence of forced entry, in fact, there is nothing to indicate a rape, yet she can bring the charge. In today’s world your life can be ruined just by the charge of rape.

Even some victim advocacy groups think this law is crazy. I believe in my heart and soul that this is one of the most dangerous laws to be passed in the history of this nation. It gives a woman the ultimate power over a man. What if a young man and woman are dating and having sex regularly. The couple decides to break up and the man starts to date another woman. His first girlfriend becomes jealous and decides to screw him over by charging him with rape. ( Let’s not forget that the use of repressed memory has been and will continue to be a viable option to support charges made at a later date) Do the police charge him? Sure they do and they will do so out of political correctness and fear of charges they are not sensitive to “women’s issues”.

Rape is a difficult enough issue without politicians mucking it up with laws that will place women and men at greater risk. Violent rape needs to be punished and the extent of the punishment needs to be related to the degree of violence. To punish all violent rape the same as murder will, in my estimation, lead to unnecessary death for many female victims. “No means No” is a good axiom, but there has to be a reasonable application of the concept.

Women and girls have to take some responsibility. I am tired of victimology and the parading pied pipers who spur legislators to write foolish laws. The Illinois law is foolish and dangerous to all men, even married men. Rape must STOP being used as a political tool by certain woman’s advocacy groups, many of whom have an anti-male agenda, and male politicians, law enforcement officers, prosecutors and jurists must stop pandering to these groups to look politically correct.

Rape is serious, it needs serious thought and serious action to prevent it from happening and to punish the perpetrators. What I see happening from a socio-political viewpoint will endanger women to a greater degree and forever alter the balance of power between men and women. It needs to stop and women need to step forward and prevent zealots and those with an anti-male agenda from using the heinous crime of rape as a political tool.