MWA: Rachelle Laree, Shyla Stylez, Nakita Kash


Source: Myles Shaffer

By: Company Press Release

Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. If I had anything I was going to open with, I’ve completely forgotten what I might have been; therefore, let us go straight to the discussion of my beautiful ladies!

Rachelle Laree

Thursday, August 23rd, I went to the Rio Gentlemen’s to meet Rachelle Laree and to observe her shows of the evening. (Unfortunately, when it came time for her second of two shows on this evening, there was such a small number of customers in the club, Sal, the general manager, told Rachelle that, because the club was so dead on this night, she might as well pack it in and get some rest. He said that she could do an extra show later in the weekend to make up for it; therefore, there was only the one show on this night.)

Rachelle is a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and a great looking body. Also, she is highly intelligent, extremely friendly, has a great sense of humor, and one of the most charming personalities one could ever hope to run into! She is a very good conversationalist, and it is obvious to me that she loves to meet and chat with her fans.

For the one show she did during this evening, Rachelle came onto the stage wearing dark sunglasses, a black cap, black pin striped men’s business suit style jacket and pants, and knee high, platform soled, high heeled, black boots with lacing in the front. Even though the boots laced in front, they had a zipper on the sides for easy removal. Beneath her suit, Rachelle wore a black bra and a black thong both of which were decorated with small silver sequins scattered here and there. Beneath the thong, Rachelle wore a black G-string.

Rachelle’s shows are generally very energetic, and she is very flexible. During the show, Rachelle hand walked the stage not once but twice! She also did a head stand and then spun around on her head continuously for several rotations. Rachelle ended the show with the most unique water show I’ve ever seen. Additionally, she did interesting things with dollar bills. (People will have to go to a club to see Rachelle perform, if they want to know the details.)

Rachelle’s interaction with the tip rail customers was limited to lots of close up looks at the goodies and lots of sexy smiles and flirtatious looks.

As it turns out, the limited interaction was not Rachelle’s idea. It seems that the club owner was in house a couple of weeks ago, saw Jada Deville giving rides for five and ordered the general manager to put a stop to the features getting up close and personal for fear that some undercover sex police might come along and cause trouble. How I wish the religious right busy bodies and their bought and paid for politicians would live their lives and leave the rest of us alone to live ours. I don’t tell them how and where to worship. Just who do they think they are that they can attempt to tell me I can’t worship the female body. Don’t get me wrong anybody, I also appreciate a woman with brains, in fact, I prefer smart women. It is so much easier to hold a conversation with an intelligent woman.

Rachelle told me that she normally gets very up close, in your face, and personal with her interaction. She also said that she normally gives rides for fives and basically the whole ball of wax.

Rachelle performed this one show to pop and rock music.

Even though Rachelle has only been featuring for a couple of years, she is never-the-less an excellent performer. And, it is my honest opinion that everybody should get out to a club to see Rachelle perform and to meet her in person. I do not believe they would be disappointed that they did.

Rachelle can be found at She can also be viewed at:

Shyla Stylez

Friday night, August 24Th, I drove up to the Blue Zebra Cabaret, in North Hollywood, to spend a little time with Shyla Stylez and to observe her first two shows of the evening.

For her first show of the evening, Shyla wore a gold bikini. The bra of the bikini had black string type straps and crisscrossed black lacing on the front of the breast cups. Her bikini bottoms had black laces on the sides. The remainder of the costume was a pair of mid-thigh high, black, platform-soled, stiletto-heeled boots.

Toward the end of this show, and once she was nude, Shyla played with a water filled spray bottle. Her play also involved turning the control of the spray bottle over to the tip rail customers.

Shyla performed this show to rock music.

For her second show of the evening, Shyla wore a cap, a midriff jacket with three quarter length sleeves, a bra, and a pair of short shorts, all of which were a black and white camouflage style in color. Beneath the short shorts, Shyla wore a black thong. All the pieces of this costume were made of latex vinyl. Shyla’s footwear for this show appeared to be the same pair of boots that she wore during her first show of the evening.

Shyla ended this show with a lotion bit, and she performed this show to rock music.

Shyla Stylez is a very beautiful, blonde haired, intelligent, and extremely friendly woman. Plus, she has a good sense of humor, is a very good conversationalist, and she truly enjoys meeting and chatting with her fans. Shyla is also a good performer, and her shows are generally a lot of fun!

I most definitely would recommend that anybody who gets a chance to go to a club to see Shyla Stylez perform and to meet her in person should do so without fail!

Visit Shyla at:

Rachelle Laree Revisited

After Shyla’s second show, I raced down to the Rio to catch Rachelle Laree’s final show of the evening.

For her final show of the evening, Rachelle came onto the stage wearing her hair in what I’ve always heard called dog ears. (for the uninformed, dog ears are two pony tails, one on each side of the head.) She wore a small yellow blouse that came closer to being a bra than a blouse. And, she wore a ruffled white mini-skirt that was decorated with designs made of gold sequins and had a piece of gold lace across the backside. Beneath the blouse and mini-skirt, Rachelle wore a white bra, the breast cups of which were covered with white sequins on the front surrounded with gold sequins, and a white thong. Rachelle came onto the stage bare-footed, and she carried a lollipop and a small Teddy Bear. (by the time the show was over, that was one happy little Teddy Bear!) To go anything further would be to simply repeat the details of the above review of Rachelle.

Nakita Kash

Saturday evening, August 25Th, I went to the City of Industry Spearmint Rhino to see my dear friend, Nakita Kash. Unfortunately, I was so exhausted, I was only able to hold on long enough to observe Nakita’s first show of the evening. Even Nakita made the comment that, while I could stay if I wanted to, she thought I should go home and go to sleep. She said that she had never seen me looking so tired in all the time she has known me. So, I took her advice and called it a night. Thank goodness I only had to drive five miles!

For the one show I was able to stay for, Nakita wore a white top decorated with red lines and red hearts, and a short white skirt decorated with three red triangles and three red hearts. Beneath the jacket-like top, Nakita wore a very short red blouse trimmed with ruffled red lace. Beneath her skirt, Nakita wore a pair of thong-like red panties trimmed with ruffled red lace. Additionally, Nakita wore a pair of white leg warmers and a pair of clear, platform-soled, high-heeled shoes.

What can I say about the lovely Nakita Kash that I haven’t said before? All I can do is repeat myself and say that she is a great performer whose interaction with the residents of the tip rail is excellent, and she is one of the best pole dancers around anywhere today! She also interacts very well with the denizens of the tip rail.

Nakita is also extremely friendly, smart, articulate, and she loves to meet and chat with her fans.

I do not want anybody to ever pass up a chance to go to a club to see Nakita perform and to meet her in person. It will be an unforgettable experience!

It would appear that Nakita still doesn’t have an official website up and running at this time. At least, try as I might, I am not able to locate one. However, there are many websites that feature Nakita. All one has to do is to do an Internet search for her name, “Nakita Kash.”

And that brings us to a close once more. Until the next time, everybody stay safe, have a great week, and live life as it there were no tomorrow. Or, as the Cajuns would say, live LA joie de vie. Let us all meet back here the next time to continue the discussion of gorgeous, sexy, women!

Bonsoir et au revoir,

Myles Shaffer